Included taxa

Gabriel, R. & Longhorn, S. J. (2015). Revised generic placement of Brachypelma embrithes (Chamberlin & Ivie, 1936) and Brachypelma angustum Valerio, 1980, with definition of the taxonomic features for identification of female Sericopelma Ausserer, 1875 (Araneae, Theraphosidae). ZooKeys 526: 75-104. doi:10.3897/zookeys.526.6315 download pdf


Species Family Page / figures published as
Abdomegaphobema mesomelas Theraphosidae 102, f. 16 (f) Megaphobema mesomelas
Brachypelma emilia Theraphosidae 100, f. 13 (f) Brachypelma emilia
Megaphobema robustum Theraphosidae 103, f. 15 (f) Megaphobema robustum
Sericopelma angustum Theraphosidae 81, 6-11 (f, T from Brachypelma) Sericopelma angustum
Sericopelma commune Theraphosidae 84 (probably misplaced) Sericopelma commune
Sericopelma embrithes Theraphosidae 79, f. 1 (f, T from Brachypelma) Sericopelma embrithes
Sericopelma panamanum Theraphosidae 85 (removed from S of Sericopelma rubronitens, rejecting Petrunkevitch, 1939a: 247) Sericopelma panamanum
Tliltocatl verdezi Theraphosidae 102, f. 14 (f) Brachypelma verdezi
No genus found for this reference