Included taxa

Esyunin, S. L. & Stepina, A. S. (2014b). The fauna and biotopic distribution of the spiders (Aranei) in the southern taiga subzone of the West Siberia. Bulletin of Perm University, Biology 2014(4): 24-54. download pdf


Species Family Page / figures published as
Bassaniodes robustus Thomisidae 51, f. 18-19 (f, S of Xysticus robustus strandianus) Xysticus robustus
Theridion hotanense Theridiidae 49, f. 16-17 (f) Theridion hotanensis
Theridion innocuum Theridiidae 49, f. 14-15 (f) Theridion innocuum
Walckenaeria clavipalpis Linyphiidae 42, f. 5-6 (f) Walckenaeria cf. clavipalpe
Zelotes pseudogallicus Gnaphosidae 32, f. 9 (m) Zelotes pseudogallicus
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