Included taxa
Correa-Ramírez, M. M., Jiménez, M. L. & García-De León, F. J. (2010). Testing species boundaries in Pardosa sierra (Araneae: Lycosidae) using female morphology and COI mtDNA. Journal of Arachnology 38: 538-554.
Species | Family | Page / figures | published as |
Pardosa atromedia | Lycosidae | 543, f. 3A-C, 6A-C (Dm, f, removed from S of Pardosa sierra, rejecting Gertsch, 1934a: 19 [who rejected S of P. atromedia with P. lapidicina per Chamberlin, 1909b: 376]) | Pardosa atromedia |
Pardosa sierra | Lycosidae | 541, f. 2A-C, 5A-C (mf) | Pardosa sierra |
Pardosa sura | Lycosidae | 545, f. 4A-C, 7A-C (Dm, f, removed from S of Pardosa sierra, rejecting Barnes, 1959: 14) | Pardosa sura |
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