Included taxa

Lehtinen, P. T. (2005). Review of the Oriental wolf spider genus Passiena (Lycosidae, Pardosinae). Journal of Arachnology 33(2): 398-407. doi:10.1636/05-11.1 download pdf


Species Family Page / figures published as
Pardosa elegantula Lycosidae 406 (T from Passiena) Pardosa elegantula
Pardosa praepes Lycosidae 406 (T from Passiena) Pardosa praepes
Pardosa upembensis Lycosidae 406 (T from Passiena) Pardosa upembensis
Passiena albipalpis Lycosidae 406 (misplaced in the genus) Passiena albipalpis
Passiena auberti Lycosidae 406 (misplaced in the genus) Passiena auberti
Passiena spinicrus Lycosidae 402, f. 5-10 (f) Passiena spinicrus
Passiena torbjoerni Lycosidae 403, f. 1-4, 11-19 (Dmf) Passiena torbjoerni
No genus found for this reference