
Download new or changed taxa of last 6 months as CSV | of last 12 months as CSV
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Date Type Taxon Comment Reference
2014-07-03Species distribution update Agyneta pseudorurestris Wunderlich, 1980 | Mediterranean (Old value)Bosmans et al., 2013
2014-07-03Species distribution update Maculoncus parvipalpus Wunderlich, 1995 | Greece (incl. Crete), Israel (Old value)Bosmans et al., 2013
2014-07-03Species distribution update Linyphia mimonti Simon, 1885 | Italy (incl. Sicily), Albania, Greece (incl. Crete), Lebanon, Israel (Old value)Bosmans et al., 2013
2014-07-03Species distribution update Didectoprocnemis cirtensis (Simon, 1884) | Portugal, France, Greece (Crete), Romania, Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia (Old value)Bosmans et al., 2013
2014-07-03Species distribution update Theridion corcyraeum Brignoli, 1984 | Greece (Corfu, Crete) (Old value)Bosmans et al., 2013
2014-07-03Species distribution update Theridion cinereum Thorell, 1875 | Switzerland and Italy to Ukraine and Turkey, Caucasus, Russia (Europe) to Central Asia, Iran (Old value)Bosmans et al., 2013
2014-07-03Species distribution update Simitidion agaricographum (Levy & Amitai, 1982) | Tunisia, Greece, Turkey, Cyprus, Israel (Old value)Bosmans et al., 2013
2014-07-03Species distribution update Enoplognatha penelope Hippa & Oksala, 1982 | Albania, Bulgaria, Greece (incl. Crete), Cyprus (Old value)Bosmans et al., 2013
2014-07-03Species distribution update Arctosa similis Schenkel, 1938 | Canary Is. to Cyprus, Iraq, Iran (Old value)Bosmans et al., 2013
2014-07-03Species distribution update Clubiona pseudosimilis Mikhailov, 1990 | Algeria, Portugal, Greece (Crete), Turkey, Caucasus (Old value)Bosmans et al., 2013
2014-07-03Species distribution update Araeoncus tauricus Gnelitsa, 2004 | Bulgaria, Greece (Crete), Turkey, Ukraine (Old value)Bosmans et al., 2013
2014-07-03Species distribution update Lasaeola testaceomarginata Simon, 1881 | Mediterranean (Old value)Bosmans et al., 2013
2014-07-03Species distribution update Orchestina setosa Dalmas, 1916 | Canary Is., France, Italy (Sardinia), Greece (incl. Crete) (Old value)Bosmans et al., 2013
2014-07-03Species distribution update Opopaea santschii Brignoli, 1974 | Tunisia, Greece (incl. Crete), Cyprus, Egypt, Israel (Old value)Bosmans et al., 2013
2014-07-03Species distribution update Larinia phthisica (L. Koch, 1871) | India to Bangladesh and Vietnam, Usbekistan, Turkmenistan, China, Japan, Philippines, Papua New Guinea, Australia. Introduced to Greece (Crete) (Old value)Bosmans et al., 2013
2014-07-03Species distribution update Stalagtia hercegovinensis (Nosek, 1905) | Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Greece (Crete) (Old value)Bosmans et al., 2013
2014-07-03Species distribution update Amblyocarenum doleschalli (Ausserer, 1871) | Italy (mainland, Sicily) (Old value)Bosmans et al., 2013
2014-07-03Species distribution update Cyrtocarenum grajum (C. L. Koch, 1836) | Greece (Old value)Bosmans et al., 2013
2014-07-03New taxonomic reference entry Lepthyphantes brignolianus Deltshev, 1979 | Greece (Crete)Bosmans et al., 2013
2014-07-03Species distribution update Mesiotelus viridis (L. Koch, 1867) | Greece (incl. Crete) (Old value)Bosmans et al., 2013
2014-07-03New taxonomic reference entry Mesiotelus viridis (L. Koch, 1867) | Greece (incl. Crete)Bosmans et al., 2013
2014-07-03New taxonomic reference entry Palliduphantes malickyi (Wunderlich, 1980) | Greece (Crete)Bosmans et al., 2013
2014-07-03Species distribution update Palliduphantes byzantinus (Fage, 1931) | Italy, Romania, Bulgaria, North Macedonia, Greece, Turkey (Old value)Bosmans et al., 2013
2014-07-03New taxonomic reference entry Palliduphantes byzantinus (Fage, 1931) | Italy, Romania, Bulgaria, North Macedonia, Greece, TurkeyBosmans et al., 2013
2014-07-03New taxonomic reference entry Mecopisthes nasutus Wunderlich, 1995 | Greece (incl. Crete)Bosmans et al., 2013
2014-07-03Species distribution update Mecopisthes nasutus Wunderlich, 1995 | Greece (incl. Crete) (Old value)Bosmans et al., 2013
2014-07-03New taxonomic reference entry Erigonoplus spinifemuralis Dimitrov, 2003 | Greece (incl. Crete), Albania, North Macedonia, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Russia (Europe), TurkeyBosmans et al., 2013
2014-07-03New taxonomic reference entry Scotophaeus peninsularis Roewer, 1928 | Bulgaria, Greece (incl. Crete), Cyprus, IsraelBosmans et al., 2013
2014-07-03Species distribution update Erigonoplus spinifemuralis Dimitrov, 2003 | Greece (incl. Crete), Albania, North Macedonia, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Russia (Europe), Turkey (Old value)Bosmans et al., 2013
2014-07-03New taxonomic reference entry Scotophaeus peninsularis Roewer, 1928 | Bulgaria, Greece (incl. Crete), Cyprus, IsraelLevy, 1999d
2014-07-03Taxonomic reference update Scotophaeus blackwalli (Thorell, 1871) | Europe, Algeria, Tunisia, Turkey, Caucasus, Turkey, Iran. Introduced to North America, Peru, Hawaii (Old value)
2014-07-03New taxonomic reference entry Tegenaria schmalfussi Brignoli, 1976 | Greece (Crete)Bosmans et al., 2013
2014-07-03First description of male Tegenaria schmalfussi Brignoli, 1976 | Greece (Crete) (Old value)Bosmans et al., 2013
2014-07-03New taxonomic reference entry Hellamalthonica minoa (Brignoli, 1976) | Greece (Crete)Bosmans et al., 2013
2014-07-03First description of male Hellamalthonica minoa (Brignoli, 1976) | Greece (Crete) (Old value)Bosmans et al., 2013
2014-07-03Species distribution update Cyclosa groppalii Pesarini, 1998 | Spain (incl. Balearic Is.), Greece (Crete) (Old value)Bosmans et al., 2013
2014-07-03New taxonomic reference entry Cyclosa groppalii Pesarini, 1998 | Spain (incl. Balearic Is.), Greece (Crete)Bosmans et al., 2013
2014-07-03First description of female Cyclosa groppalii Pesarini, 1998 | Spain (incl. Balearic Is.), Greece (Crete) (Old value)Bosmans et al., 2013
2014-07-03First description of male Lepthyphantes beshkovi Deltshev, 1979 | Greece (Crete) (Old value)Bosmans et al., 2013
2014-07-03New taxonomic reference entry Lepthyphantes beshkovi Deltshev, 1979 | Greece (Crete)Bosmans et al., 2013
2014-07-03First description of female Walckenaeria hamus Wunderlich, 1995 | Greece (Crete) (Old value)Bosmans et al., 2013
2014-07-03New taxonomic reference entry Walckenaeria hamus Wunderlich, 1995 | Greece (Crete)Bosmans et al., 2013
2014-07-03New taxonomic reference entry Haplodrassus acrotirius (Roewer, 1928) | Greece (Crete)Bosmans et al., 2013
2014-07-03Species transferred to new genus Haplodrassus acrotirius (Roewer, 1928) | Greece (Crete)Species transferred from Drassodes to HaplodrassusBosmans et al., 2013
2014-07-03New taxonomic reference entry Saitis ariadneae Logunov, 2001 | Greece (Crete)Bosmans et al., 2013
2014-07-03Species synonymy Saitis ariadneae Logunov, 2001 | Greece (Crete)Saitis pallidipes synonymized with Saitis ariadneaeBosmans et al., 2013
2014-07-03Species updated Saitis pallidipes (Dobroruka, 2002) | CreteStatus: Synonym (Old value)Bosmans et al., 2013
2014-07-03Species transferred to new genus Saitis pallidipes (Dobroruka, 2002) | CreteSpecies transferred from Pseudeuophrys to SaitisBosmans et al., 2013
2014-07-03New taxonomic reference entry Aelurillus cretensis Azarkina, 2002 | Greece (Crete)Bosmans et al., 2013
2014-07-03Species synonymy Aelurillus cretensis Azarkina, 2002 | Greece (Crete)Aelurillus steliosi synonymized with Aelurillus cretensisBosmans et al., 2013
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