Family: Salticidae Blackwall, 1841 [] Back

Gen. Qingattus Yang, Wang & Zhang, 2024 [ ]
Status: accepted
Last updated
Described in
Yang, Wang & Zhang, 2024: 126 (type Qingattus wulan Yang, Wang & Zhang, 2024; gender masculine)
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Yang, Z. Y., Wang, W. H. & Zhang, J. X. (2024). On a new genus and seven species of Chrysillini from China (Araneae: Salticidae: Salticinae). Zootaxa 5477(2): 101-135. doi:10.11646/zootaxa.5477.2.1 download pdf

Edit history
Date Type Reference Detail
2024-07-08 New genus inserted Yang, Wang & Zhang, 2024 n/a