Family: Liphistiidae Thorell, 1869 [] Back

Gen. Ganthela Xu & Kuntner, 2015 [ ]
N.B.: transferred from the Liphistiidae to the Heptathelidae by Li, 2022: 72.
Status: accepted
Last updated
Described in
Xu et al., 2015a: 130 (type Ganthela yundingensis Xu, 2015; gender feminine)
Go to type species
Species counts
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Xu, X., Liu, F. X., Chen, J., Ono, H., Li, D. Q. & Kuntner, M. (2015a). A genus-level taxonomic review of primitively segmented spiders (Mesothelae, Liphistiidae). ZooKeys 488: 121-151. doi:10.3897/zookeys.488.8726 download pdf

Edit history
Date Type Reference Detail
2024-06-06 Genus transferred to other family Sivayyapram et al., 2024b Ganthela Xu & Kuntner, 2015 transferred to Liphistiidae
2022-05-25 Genus transferred to other family Li, 2022 Ganthela Xu & Kuntner, 2015 transferred to Heptathelidae
2015-05-04 New genus inserted Xu et al., 2015a n/a