Family: Linyphiidae Blackwall, 1859 [] Back

Gen. Centromerus Dahl, 1886 [ ]
N.B.: in advance considered a senior synonym of Parasintula Dahl, 1912b: 614 [] (type Sintula balteatus Simon, 1884 = Centromerus serratus (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1875) by Lessert, 1910b: 222 (by S of the type species with C. serratus); considered a senior synonym of Cryptocleptes Simon, 1884a: 352 [] (type C. paradoxus Simon, 1884), Rhabdoria Hull, 1911a: 583 [] (type Erigone diluta O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1875) (not accepted by Bonnet, 1958: 3849) and Tapinasta Simon, 1894a: 647 [] (type T. biskrensis Simon, 1894 = Centromerus succinus (Simon, 1884)) by Simon, 1929: 720; considered a senior synonym Adoxoneta Simon, 1929: 559, 724 [] (type Anthrobia europaea Simon, 1911) by Fage, 1931: 170; considered a senior synonym of Atopogyna Millidge, 1984b: 264 [] (type Erigone cornupalpis O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1875) by Eskov & Marusik, 1992c: 34; not a senior synonym of Tallusia Lehtinen & Saaristo, 1972 (Millidge, 1984b: 239, contra Locket, Millidge & Merrett, 1974: 107); the placement of Tapinasta Simon, 1894 as a junior synonym of Syedra Simon, 1884 rather than this genus by Saaristo & Tanasevitch, 1996b: 175 was not accompanied by a justification and is therefore not followed here; the synonmy of Centromerita and Tallusia with Centromerus is proposed by Breitling, 2019b: 29 and Breitling, 2021: 21 and is not accepted here as it is based mainly on COI (see FAQ 7) and a further splitting of the polyphyletic genus Centromerus is expected.
Status: accepted
Last updated
Described in
Dahl, 1886: 73 (type Bathyphantes brevipalpus Menge, 1866; gender masculine)
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5nomen dubium

Dahl, F. (1886). Monographie der Erigone-Arten im Thorell' schen. Sinne, nebst anderen Beiträgen zur Spinnenfauna SchleswigHolsteins. Schriften des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins für Schleswig-Holstein 6: 65-102. download pdf

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