Family: Halonoproctidae Pocock, 1901 []
Gen. Bothriocyrtum Simon, 1891 []
type Cteniza californicum O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1874; gender neuter
N.B.: transferred from the Ctenizidae to the Halonoproctidae by Godwin et al., 2018: 307.
Bothriocyrtum californicum
(O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1874) *

Cteniza californicum O. Pickard-Cambridge, in Moggridge, 1874: 260, pl. 15, f. B (Df).
Bothriocyrtum californicum Simon, 1891f: 315.
Bothriocyrtum californicum Simon, 1892a: 96, f. 95.
Cteniza californicum McCook, 1894: 3, pl. 29, f. 8.
Bothriocyrtum californicum Moles, 1916: 146, pl. 8.
Bothriocyrtum californicum Gertsch & Wallace, 1936: 23, f. 32-37 (Dm).
Bothriocyrtum californicum Griswold & Ledford, 2001: 10, f. 64C (f).
Bothriocyrtum californicum Simon, 1891f: 315.
Bothriocyrtum californicum Simon, 1892a: 96, f. 95.
Cteniza californicum McCook, 1894: 3, pl. 29, f. 8.
Bothriocyrtum californicum Moles, 1916: 146, pl. 8.
Bothriocyrtum californicum Gertsch & Wallace, 1936: 23, f. 32-37 (Dm).
Bothriocyrtum californicum Griswold & Ledford, 2001: 10, f. 64C (f).
Bothriocyrtum fabrile
Simon, 1891 |
| Mexico

Bothriocyrtum fabrile Simon, 1891f: 327 (Df).
Bothriocyrtum fabrile F. O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1897a: 9, pl. 1, f. 1 (Df).
Bothriocyrtum fabrile F. O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1897a: 9, pl. 1, f. 1 (Df).
Bothriocyrtum tractabile
Saito, 1933 |
| Taiwan

Bothriocyrtum tractabile SaitÅ, 1933b: 33, pl. 3, f. 2 (Df).