Family: Linyphiidae Blackwall, 1859 []
Gen. Notolinga Lavery & Dupérré, 2019 []
type Linga orqueta Lavery & Snazell, 2013; gender feminine; syn. of Notolinga fuegiana (Simon, 1902)
N.B. Replacement name for Linga Lavery & Snazell, 2013 [], preoccupied in Bivalvia by Linga de Gregorio, 1884.
In synonymy:
Notolinga orqueta (Lavery & Snazell, 2013, T from Linga) = Notolinga fuegiana (Simon, 1902) (Lavery & Dupérré, 2019: 248).
Notolinga orqueta (Lavery & Snazell, 2013, T from Linga) = Notolinga fuegiana (Simon, 1902) (Lavery & Dupérré, 2019: 248).
Notolinga fuegiana
(Simon, 1902) |
| Argentina, Falkland Is.

Neriene fuegiana Simon, 1902h: 17 (Df).
Oedothorax fuegianus Petrunkevitch, 1911: 262.
Oedothorax fuegianus Miller, 2007a: 244, f. 186C (f, misplaced in this genus).
Linga orqueta Lavery & Snazell, 2013: 50, f. 37-42 (Dmf) [].
Neriene fuegiana Dupérré & Harms, 2018: 4, f. 4A-C (f).
Notolinga fuegiana Lavery & Dupérré, 2019: 248 (T from Oedothorax, S of Linga orqueta).
Neriene fuegiana Lin, Lopardo & Uhl, 2022: 537 (T from Oedothorax; N.B.: not accepted here, because Lavery & Dupérré, 2019: 248 was not taken into account).
Oedothorax fuegianus Petrunkevitch, 1911: 262.
Oedothorax fuegianus Miller, 2007a: 244, f. 186C (f, misplaced in this genus).
Linga orqueta Lavery & Snazell, 2013: 50, f. 37-42 (Dmf) [].
Neriene fuegiana Dupérré & Harms, 2018: 4, f. 4A-C (f).
Notolinga fuegiana Lavery & Dupérré, 2019: 248 (T from Oedothorax, S of Linga orqueta).
Neriene fuegiana Lin, Lopardo & Uhl, 2022: 537 (T from Oedothorax; N.B.: not accepted here, because Lavery & Dupérré, 2019: 248 was not taken into account).