Family: Nesticidae Simon, 1894 []
Gen. Kryptonesticus Pavlek & Ribera, 2017 []
type Kryptonesticus deelemanae Pavlek & Ribera, 2017; gender masculine
In synonymy:
Kryptonesticus parenzani (Trossarelli, 1931, T from Theridion) = Kryptonesticus eremita (Simon, 1880) (Brignoli, 1975c: 28, sub Nesticus).
Kryptonesticus speluncarum italicus (Caporiacco, 1934) = Kryptonesticus eremita (Simon, 1880) (Dresco & Hubert, 1967: 3, sub Nesticus).
Kryptonesticus parenzani (Trossarelli, 1931, T from Theridion) = Kryptonesticus eremita (Simon, 1880) (Brignoli, 1975c: 28, sub Nesticus).
Kryptonesticus speluncarum italicus (Caporiacco, 1934) = Kryptonesticus eremita (Simon, 1880) (Dresco & Hubert, 1967: 3, sub Nesticus).
Kryptonesticus arenstorffi
(Kulczyński, 1914) |
| Montenegro, Croatia

Nesticus arenstorffii Kulczyński, 1914: 378, pl. 16, p. 50 (Df).
Nesticus arenstorffi Kratochvíl, 1933a: 42, 64, pl. 1, f. 5, pl. 4, f. 34-36 (f, Dm).
Ivesia arenstorffi Lehtinen & Saaristo, 1980: 51 (Tmf from Nesticus).
Nesticus arenstorffi Le Peru, 2011: 361, f. 620 (mf).
Kryptonesticus arenstorffi Pavlek & Ribera, 2017: 14, f. 2C, 3G-I, 4C, 5I-L (Tmf from Nesticus).
Nesticus arenstorffi Kratochvíl, 1933a: 42, 64, pl. 1, f. 5, pl. 4, f. 34-36 (f, Dm).
Ivesia arenstorffi Lehtinen & Saaristo, 1980: 51 (Tmf from Nesticus).
Nesticus arenstorffi Le Peru, 2011: 361, f. 620 (mf).
Kryptonesticus arenstorffi Pavlek & Ribera, 2017: 14, f. 2C, 3G-I, 4C, 5I-L (Tmf from Nesticus).
Kryptonesticus beroni
(Deltshev, 1977) |
| Bulgaria

Nesticus beroni Deltshev, 1977b: 75, f. 2-5 (Df).
Ivesia beroni Lehtinen & Saaristo, 1980: 51 (Tf from Nesticus).
Nesticus beroni Le Peru, 2011: 362, f. 622 (f).
Kryptonesticus beroni Pavlek & Ribera, 2017: 18 (T from Nesticus).
Ivesia beroni Lehtinen & Saaristo, 1980: 51 (Tf from Nesticus).
Nesticus beroni Le Peru, 2011: 362, f. 622 (f).
Kryptonesticus beroni Pavlek & Ribera, 2017: 18 (T from Nesticus).
Kryptonesticus beshkovi
(Deltshev, 1979) |
| Greece (Crete)

Nesticus beshkovi Deltshev, 1979: 53, f. 1-5 (Df).
Nesticus beshkovi Le Peru, 2011: 362, f. 623 (f).
Kryptonesticus beshkovi Pavlek & Ribera, 2017: 18 (T from Nesticus).
Nesticus beshkovi Le Peru, 2011: 362, f. 623 (f).
Kryptonesticus beshkovi Pavlek & Ribera, 2017: 18 (T from Nesticus).
Kryptonesticus deelemanae
Pavlek & Ribera, 2017 *
| Croatia

Kryptonesticus deelemanae Pavlek & Ribera, 2017: 5, f. 1, 2A, 3A-C, 4A, D, 5A-D (Dmf).
Kryptonesticus dimensis
(López-Pancorbo, Kunt & Ribera, 2013) |
| Turkey

Nesticus dimensis López-Pancorbo, Kunt & Ribera, in López-Pancorbo et al., 2013: 185, f. 2-12 (Dmf).
Kryptonesticus dimensis Pavlek & Ribera, 2017: 18 (T from Nesticus).
Kryptonesticus dimensis Pavlek & Ribera, 2017: 18 (T from Nesticus).
Kryptonesticus eremita
(Simon, 1880) |
| Europe, Turkey. Introduced to New Zealand

Nesticus eremita Simon, 1880j: 258 (Dmf).
Nesticus eremita Simon, 1881a: 48, pl. 26, f. 8 (mf).
Nesticus eremita Lessert, 1906: 610, pl. 20, f. 3-5.
Nesticus eremita Lessert, 1910b: 300, f. 164-166 (mf).
Nesticus eremita Simon, 1929: 658, 753, f. 1015-1016 (mf).
Theridion parenzani Trossarelli, 1931: 13, f. 1 (Df) [].
Nesticus eremita italica Caporiacco, 1934d: 401, f. 2-3 (Dmf) [].
Nesticus speluncarum eremita Wiehle, 1963b: 435, f. 8-10 (mf).
Nesticus eremita Dresco & Hubert, 1967: 3 (removed from S of N. speluncarum, S of Nesticus eremita italica).
Nesticus speluncarum eremita Wiehle, 1967b: 193, f. 45-46 (f).
Nesticus eremita Brignoli, 1971d: 206, f. 118-122 (mf).
Nesticus eremita Deeleman-Reinhold, 1974: 12, f. 9 (f).
Nesticus eremita Brignoli, 1975c: 28 (S of Theridion parenzani).
Nesticus eremita Kratochvíl, 1978: 39, f. 3-4 (f).
Ivesia eremita Lehtinen & Saaristo, 1980: 51 (Tmf from Nesticus).
Nesticus eremita Thaler, 1981b: 274, f. 6, 8 (m).
Nesticus eremita Heimer & Nentwig, 1991: 276, f. 732 (m).
Nesticus eremita Jäger, 1998a: 13, f. 1A (f).
Nesticus eremita Le Peru, 2011: 364, f. 629 (mf).
Nesticus eremita Isaia et al., 2011: 114, f. 2.13A-B, 2.14 (mf).
Nesticus eremita Vink & Dupérré, 2011: 512, f. 1-4 (mf).
Kryptonesticus eremita Pavlek & Ribera, 2017: 18 (T from Nesticus).
Kryptonesticus eremita Gallon & Farr, 2018: 13, f. 3-5 (f).
Kryptonesticus eremita Szabó & Szinetár, 2018: 109, f. 1-2 (mf).
Kryptonesticus eremita Lecigne, 2018b: 72, f. 9G-H (mf).
Nesticus eremita Simon, 1881a: 48, pl. 26, f. 8 (mf).
Nesticus eremita Lessert, 1906: 610, pl. 20, f. 3-5.
Nesticus eremita Lessert, 1910b: 300, f. 164-166 (mf).
Nesticus eremita Simon, 1929: 658, 753, f. 1015-1016 (mf).
Theridion parenzani Trossarelli, 1931: 13, f. 1 (Df) [].
Nesticus eremita italica Caporiacco, 1934d: 401, f. 2-3 (Dmf) [].
Nesticus speluncarum eremita Wiehle, 1963b: 435, f. 8-10 (mf).
Nesticus eremita Dresco & Hubert, 1967: 3 (removed from S of N. speluncarum, S of Nesticus eremita italica).
Nesticus speluncarum eremita Wiehle, 1967b: 193, f. 45-46 (f).
Nesticus eremita Brignoli, 1971d: 206, f. 118-122 (mf).
Nesticus eremita Deeleman-Reinhold, 1974: 12, f. 9 (f).
Nesticus eremita Brignoli, 1975c: 28 (S of Theridion parenzani).
Nesticus eremita Kratochvíl, 1978: 39, f. 3-4 (f).
Ivesia eremita Lehtinen & Saaristo, 1980: 51 (Tmf from Nesticus).
Nesticus eremita Thaler, 1981b: 274, f. 6, 8 (m).
Nesticus eremita Heimer & Nentwig, 1991: 276, f. 732 (m).
Nesticus eremita Jäger, 1998a: 13, f. 1A (f).
Nesticus eremita Le Peru, 2011: 364, f. 629 (mf).
Nesticus eremita Isaia et al., 2011: 114, f. 2.13A-B, 2.14 (mf).
Nesticus eremita Vink & Dupérré, 2011: 512, f. 1-4 (mf).
Kryptonesticus eremita Pavlek & Ribera, 2017: 18 (T from Nesticus).
Kryptonesticus eremita Gallon & Farr, 2018: 13, f. 3-5 (f).
Kryptonesticus eremita Szabó & Szinetár, 2018: 109, f. 1-2 (mf).
Kryptonesticus eremita Lecigne, 2018b: 72, f. 9G-H (mf).
Kryptonesticus fagei
(Kratochvíl, 1933) |
| Bosnia and Herzegovina

Nesticus fagei Kratochvíl, 1933a: 44, 64, pl. 1, f. 4, pl. 2, f. 22, pl. 4, f. 37-40 (Dmf).
Ivesia fagei Lehtinen & Saaristo, 1980: 51 (Tmf from Nesticus).
Nesticus fagei Gasparo & Thaler, 2000: 32, f. 3-4 (f, tentative identification).
Nesticus fagei Le Peru, 2011: 364, f. 630 (mf).
Kryptonesticus fagei Pavlek & Ribera, 2017: 12, f. 2B, 3D-F, 4B, 5E-H (Tmf from Nesticus).
Ivesia fagei Lehtinen & Saaristo, 1980: 51 (Tmf from Nesticus).
Nesticus fagei Gasparo & Thaler, 2000: 32, f. 3-4 (f, tentative identification).
Nesticus fagei Le Peru, 2011: 364, f. 630 (mf).
Kryptonesticus fagei Pavlek & Ribera, 2017: 12, f. 2B, 3D-F, 4B, 5E-H (Tmf from Nesticus).
Kryptonesticus georgescuae
Nae, Sarbu & Weiss, 2018 |
| Romania

Kryptonesticus georgescuae Nae, Sarbu & Weiss, 2018: 22, f. 1-6 (Df).
Kryptonesticus henderickxi
(Bosselaers, 1998) |
| Greece (Crete)

Nesticus henderickxi Bosselaers, 1998: 9, f. 2-8 (Dmf).
Nesticus henderickxi Le Peru, 2011: 364, f. 631 (mf).
Kryptonesticus henderickxi Pavlek & Ribera, 2017: 18 (T from Nesticus).
Nesticus henderickxi Le Peru, 2011: 364, f. 631 (mf).
Kryptonesticus henderickxi Pavlek & Ribera, 2017: 18 (T from Nesticus).