Family: Theraphosidae Thorell, 1869 []
Gen. Omothymus Thorell, 1891 []
type Omothymus schioedtei Thorell, 1891; gender masculine
N.B.: synonymized with Cyriopagopus by Simon, 1903a: 946, removed from synonym by Smith & Jacobi, 2015: 29.
In synonymy:
Omothymus thorelli Simon, 1901 = Omothymus schioedtei Thorell, 1891 (Gabriel & Sherwood, 2019c: 140).
Omothymus thorelli Simon, 1901 = Omothymus schioedtei Thorell, 1891 (Gabriel & Sherwood, 2019c: 140).
Omothymus fuchsi
(Strand, 1906) |
| Indonesia (Sumatra)

Phormingochilus fuchsi Strand, 1906c: 6 (Df).
Phormingochilus fuchsi Smith, 1994: 22, f. 16 (f).
Phormingochilus fuchsi Schmidt, 2003l: 253, f. 836 (f).
Omothymus fuchsi Gabriel & Sherwood, 2019c: 139 (T from Phormingochilus).
Phormingochilus fuchsi Smith, 1994: 22, f. 16 (f).
Phormingochilus fuchsi Schmidt, 2003l: 253, f. 836 (f).
Omothymus fuchsi Gabriel & Sherwood, 2019c: 139 (T from Phormingochilus).
Omothymus rafni
Gabriel & Sherwood, 2019 |
| Indonesia (Sumatra)

Omothymus rafni Gabriel & Sherwood, 2019c: 139, f. 1-8 (Dm).
Omothymus schioedtei
Thorell, 1891 *
| Malaysia (peninsula)

Omothymus schioedtei Thorell, 1891: 11 (Dm).
Omothymus schioedtei Pocock, 1895a: 180 (Df).
Omothymus thorelli Simon, 1901k: 45 (Dm) [].
Cyriopagopus schioedtei Simon, 1903a: 946.
Cyriopagopus thorelli Simon, 1903a: 946.
Lampropelma violaceopedes Abraham, 1924: 1108, pl. 5, f. 23-24 (m; misidentified per Gabriel & Sherwood, 2019c: 140).
Cyriopagopus thorelli Schmidt & Tesmoingt, 2003: 3, f. 1-10 (m).
Cyriopagopus thorelli Schmidt, 2003l: 249, f. 807-808 (m).
Omothymus schioedtei Smith & Jacobi, 2015: 28, f. 1-2 (m, T from Cyriopagopus).
Omothymus thorelli Smith & Jacobi, 2015: 28 (T from Cyriopagopus).
Omothymus schioedtei Gabriel & Sherwood, 2019c: 140 (S of Omothymus thorelli).
Omothymus schioedtei Pocock, 1895a: 180 (Df).
Omothymus thorelli Simon, 1901k: 45 (Dm) [].
Cyriopagopus schioedtei Simon, 1903a: 946.
Cyriopagopus thorelli Simon, 1903a: 946.
Lampropelma violaceopedes Abraham, 1924: 1108, pl. 5, f. 23-24 (m; misidentified per Gabriel & Sherwood, 2019c: 140).
Cyriopagopus thorelli Schmidt & Tesmoingt, 2003: 3, f. 1-10 (m).
Cyriopagopus thorelli Schmidt, 2003l: 249, f. 807-808 (m).
Omothymus schioedtei Smith & Jacobi, 2015: 28, f. 1-2 (m, T from Cyriopagopus).
Omothymus thorelli Smith & Jacobi, 2015: 28 (T from Cyriopagopus).
Omothymus schioedtei Gabriel & Sherwood, 2019c: 140 (S of Omothymus thorelli).
Omothymus violaceopes
(Abraham, 1924) |
| Malaysia (peninsula), Singapore

Lampropelma violaceopedes Abraham, 1924: 1108, pl. 5, f. 19-22 (Df; m see Omothymus schioedtei; specific epithets cannot be plural).
Lampropelma violaceopedes Smith, 1990a: 14, f. 1-15 (mf).
Lampropelma violaceopes Schmidt, 2003l: 252, f. 826-830 (mf).
Omothymus violaceopes Smith & Jacobi, 2015: 29 (T fromĀ Lampropelma; not followed here, because not sufficiently justified).
Omothymus violaceopes Gabriel & Sherwood, 2019c: 140, f. 20-21 (m, T from Lampropelma).
Lampropelma violaceopedes Smith, 1990a: 14, f. 1-15 (mf).
Lampropelma violaceopes Schmidt, 2003l: 252, f. 826-830 (mf).
Omothymus violaceopes Smith & Jacobi, 2015: 29 (T fromĀ Lampropelma; not followed here, because not sufficiently justified).
Omothymus violaceopes Gabriel & Sherwood, 2019c: 140, f. 20-21 (m, T from Lampropelma).