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Family: Phyxelididae Lehtinen, 1967 [urn:lsid:nmbe.ch:spiderfam:0044] Detail
N.B.: elevated from subfamily of Amaurobiidae and placed as sister group of Titanoecidae by Griswold et al., 1999: 59.
In synonymy:
Amphigyrioides Strand, 1913 = Phyxelida Simon, 1894 (Lehtinen, 1967: 213)
Amphigyrum Tullgren, 1910 = Phyxelida Simon, 1894 (Berland, 1914: 58, sub Haemilla)
Haemilla Simon, 1909 = Phyxelida Simon, 1894 (Lehtinen, 1967: 237)
Gen. Ambohima Griswold, 1990 [urn:lsid:nmbe.ch:spidergen:02061] Detail
type Ambohima sublima Griswold, 1990; gender feminine
N.B.: transferred from the Amaurobiidae to the Phyxelididae by Griswold et al., 1999: 59.
Ambohima andrefana Griswold, Wood & Carmichael, 2012 | m f | Madagascar     [urn:lsid:nmbe.ch:spidersp:044659]
Ambohima andrefana Griswold, Wood & Carmichael, 2012: 768, f. 4A-D, 6A-B, 10A-C, 21A-F, 31E-I, 39G-L, 42A-F, 46C (Dmf).
Ambohima antsinanana Griswold, Wood & Carmichael, 2012 | f | Madagascar     [urn:lsid:nmbe.ch:spidersp:044660]
Ambohima antsinanana Griswold, Wood & Carmichael, 2012: 775, f. 7A-B, 33G-I, 36B, 37B (Df).
Ambohima avaratra Griswold, Wood & Carmichael, 2012 | f | Madagascar     [urn:lsid:nmbe.ch:spidersp:044661]
Ambohima avaratra Griswold, Wood & Carmichael, 2012: 777, f. 7E, 34A-D, 38A-D (Df).
Ambohima maizina Griswold, Wood & Carmichael, 2012 | m | Madagascar     [urn:lsid:nmbe.ch:spidersp:044662]
Ambohima maizina Griswold, Wood & Carmichael, 2012: 779, f. 6G, I, 11A-C, 42G-I (Dm).
Ambohima pauliani Griswold, 1990 | f | Madagascar     [urn:lsid:nmbe.ch:spidersp:023120]
Ambohima pauliani Griswold, 1990: 130, f. 11c, 64b, e (Df).
Ambohima pauliani Griswold, Wood & Carmichael, 2012: 780, f. 7H, 36C, 37C (f).
Ambohima ranohira Griswold, Wood & Carmichael, 2012 | m f | Madagascar     [urn:lsid:nmbe.ch:spidersp:044663]
Ambohima ranohira Griswold, Wood & Carmichael, 2012: 781, f. 3A, 6H, 7D, 12A-C, 22A-D, 23A-D, 31A-D, 39A-F, 42J-L, 45C-D, 46B, D-F, 47A-D, 48B-C, 49A-F (Dmf).
Ambohima sublima Griswold, 1990 * | m f | Madagascar     [urn:lsid:nmbe.ch:spidersp:023121]
Ambohima sublima Griswold, 1990: 128, f. 64a, d, 65a-d, 66a-d (Dmf).
Ambohima sublima Griswold, Wood & Carmichael, 2012: 785, f. 1, 2B, 3B, 6E-F, 13A-C, 30A-F, 32A-F, 40A-I, 42M-O, 43A-F, 46A, 48D-F, 52A-D, 53A-D (mf).
Ambohima vato Griswold, Wood & Carmichael, 2012 | m f | Madagascar     [urn:lsid:nmbe.ch:spidersp:044664]
Ambohima vato Griswold, Wood & Carmichael, 2012: 793, f. 6C, 7C, 14A-C, 33A-C, 36D, F, 37D, F, 43G-I (Dmf).
Ambohima zandry Griswold, Wood & Carmichael, 2012 | m f | Madagascar     [urn:lsid:nmbe.ch:spidersp:044665]
Ambohima zandry Griswold, Wood & Carmichael, 2012: 794, f. 7F, 15A-E, 24A-E, 34E-I, 38E-F, 43J-L (Dmf).
Ambohima zoky Griswold, Wood & Carmichael, 2012 | m f | Madagascar     [urn:lsid:nmbe.ch:spidersp:044666]
Ambohima zoky Griswold, Wood & Carmichael, 2012: 795, f. 6D, 7G, 16A-E, 25A-F, 33D-F, 36A, E, 37A, E, 43M-O (Dmf).
Gen. Kulalania Griswold, 1990 [urn:lsid:nmbe.ch:spidergen:02062] Detail
type Kulalania antiqua Griswold, 1990; gender feminine
N.B.: transferred from the Amaurobiidae to the Phyxelididae by Griswold et al., 1999: 59.
Kulalania antiqua Griswold, 1990 * | f | Kenya     [urn:lsid:nmbe.ch:spidersp:023122]
Kulalania antiqua Griswold, 1990: 125, f. 11b, 64c, f (Df).
Gen. Lamaika Griswold, 1990 [urn:lsid:nmbe.ch:spidergen:02063] Detail
type Lamaika distincta Griswold, 1990; gender feminine
N.B.: transferred from the Amaurobiidae to the Phyxelididae by Griswold et al., 1999: 59.
Lamaika distincta Griswold, 1990 * | m | South Africa     [urn:lsid:nmbe.ch:spidersp:023123]
Lamaika distincta Griswold, 1990: 115, f. 58a-c, 59c-e (Dm).
Lamaika distincta Dippenaar-Schoeman et al., 2021t: 6, 5 f. (m).
Gen. Malaika Lehtinen, 1967 [urn:lsid:nmbe.ch:spidergen:02064] Detail
type Auximus longipes Purcell, 1904; gender feminine
N.B.: transferred from the Amaurobiidae to the Phyxelididae by Griswold et al., 1999: 59.
In synonymy:
Malaika grindleyi (Lawrence, 1964, T from Phyxelida) = Malaika longipes (Purcell, 1904) (Griswold, 1990: 119).
Malaika delicatula Griswold, 1990 | m f | South Africa     [urn:lsid:nmbe.ch:spidersp:023124]
Malaika delicatula Griswold, 1990: 122, f. 11a, 63a-e (Dmf).
Malaika delicatula Dippenaar-Schoeman et al., 2021t: 8, 5 f. (mf).
Malaika longipes (Purcell, 1904) * | m f | South Africa     [urn:lsid:nmbe.ch:spidersp:023125]
Auximus longipes Purcell, 1904: 132, pl. 10, f. 3 (Dmf).
Haemilla grindleyi Lawrence, 1964: 58, f. 1 (Df).
Malaika longipes Lehtinen, 1967: 246, f. 390-391 (Tmf from Auximus=Lathys).
Phyxelida grindleyi Brignoli, 1983c: 528.
Malaika longipes Griswold, 1990: 118, f. 3b, 4b, 6d, 15f, 16d, 59a-b, 60a-f, 61a-d, 62a-e, 68c (mf, S).
Malaika longipes Bosselaers, 2018a: 12, f. left, right (A-D) (f).
Malaika longipes Dippenaar-Schoeman et al., 2021t: 9, 8 f. (mf).
Gen. Manampoka Griswold, Wood & Carmichael, 2012 [urn:lsid:nmbe.ch:spidergen:04041] Detail
type Manampoka atsimo Griswold, Wood & Carmichael, 2012; gender feminine
Manampoka atsimo Griswold, Wood & Carmichael, 2012 * | m f | Madagascar     [urn:lsid:nmbe.ch:spidersp:044667]
Manampoka atsimo Griswold, Wood & Carmichael, 2012: 797, f. 8A-G, 17A-C, 26A-I, 44A-C (Dmf).
Gen. Matundua Lehtinen, 1967 [urn:lsid:nmbe.ch:spidergen:02065] Detail
type Auximus silvaticus Purcell, 1904; gender feminine
N.B.: transferred from the Amaurobiidae to the Phyxelididae by Griswold et al., 1999: 59.
Transferred to other genera:
Matundua hottentotta (Pocock, 1900) -- see Namaquarachne
Nomen nudum:
Matundua trifoveata Lehtinen, 1967: 247, f. 395 (f, South Africa) [urn:lsid:nmbe.ch:spidersp:055606] -- new name for f of Auximus [= Namaquarachne] hottentottus sensu Purcell, 1908: 216, no description.
Matundua silvatica (Purcell, 1904) * | m f | South Africa     [urn:lsid:nmbe.ch:spidersp:023126]
Auximus silvaticus Purcell, 1904: 132, pl. 10, f. 2 (Df).
Matundua silvatica Lehtinen, 1967: 247, f. 396 (Tf from Auximus=Lathys; not f. 385, m from Namaquarachne hottentotta, =Namaquarachne thaumatula).
Matundua silvatica Griswold, 1990: 55, f. 1c, 3c, 12a, 17c, 18a-e (f, Dm).
Matundua silvatica Dippenaar-Schoeman et al., 2021t: 11, 4 f. (mf).
Gen. Namaquarachne Griswold, 1990 [urn:lsid:nmbe.ch:spidergen:02066] Detail
type Namaquarachne khoikhoiana Griswold, 1990; gender feminine
N.B.: transferred from the Amaurobiidae to the Phyxelididae by Griswold et al., 1999: 59.
Namaquarachne angulata Griswold, 1990 | f | South Africa     [urn:lsid:nmbe.ch:spidersp:023127]
Namaquarachne angulata Griswold, 1990: 102, f. 12f, 57b, e (Df).
Namaquarachne angulata Dippenaar-Schoeman et al., 2021t: 13, 1 f. (f).
Namaquarachne hottentotta (Pocock, 1900) | f | South Africa     [urn:lsid:nmbe.ch:spidersp:023128]
Auximus hottentottus Pocock, 1900e: 323 (Df).
Matundua hottentottus Lehtinen, 1967: 247 (T from Auximus = Lathys; m of Pocock, 1908 = M. thaumatula).
Namaquarachne hottentotta Griswold, 1990: 112, f. 57a, d (f, T from Matundua).
Namaquarachne hottentotta Dippenaar-Schoeman et al., 2021t: 14, 1 f. (f).
Namaquarachne khoikhoiana Griswold, 1990 * | m f | South Africa     [urn:lsid:nmbe.ch:spidersp:023129]
Namaquarachne khoikhoiana Griswold, 1990: 106, f. 12g, 52a-c, 53a-c, 54a-b (Dmf).
Namaquarachne khoikhoiana Dippenaar-Schoeman et al., 2021t: 15, 5 f. (mf).
Namaquarachne thaumatula Griswold, 1990 | m f | South Africa     [urn:lsid:nmbe.ch:spidersp:023130]
Auximus hottentottus Purcell, 1908: 216 (m; misidentified per Griswold, 1990: 104).
Matundua hottentottus Lehtinen, 1967: 247, f. 385 (m, misidentified).
Namaquarachne thaumatula Griswold, 1990: 104, f. 51a-c, 52d-e, 54c-d (Dmf).
Namaquarachne thaumatula Dippenaar-Schoeman et al., 2021t: 16, 4 f. (mf).
Namaquarachne tropata Griswold, 1990 | m f | South Africa     [urn:lsid:nmbe.ch:spidersp:023131]
Namaquarachne tropata Griswold, 1990: 109, f. 2a-d, 5a-b, 48a-e, 49a-d, 54e-f, 55a-c, 56a-f, 57c, f (Dmf).
Namaquarachne tropata Dippenaar-Schoeman et al., 2021t: 17, 4 f. (mf).
Gen. Phyxelida Simon, 1894 [urn:lsid:nmbe.ch:spidergen:02067] Detail
type Phyxelida makapanensis Simon, 1894; gender feminine
N.B.: transferred from the Amaurobiidae to the Phyxelididae by Griswold et al., 1999: 59; considered a senior synonym of Haemilla Simon, 1909c: 29 [urn:lsid:nmbe.ch:spidergen:05698] (type Tegenaria mirabilis L. Koch, 1875) and Amphigyrioides Strand, 1913a: 327 [urn:lsid:nmbe.ch:spidergen:05697] (type A. bifoveata Strand, 1913) by Lehtinen, 1967: 259; Amphigyrum Tullgren, 1910: 93 [urn:lsid:nmbe.ch:spidergen:05699] (type A. nebulosum Tullgren, 1910) considered a junior synonym of Haemilla by Berland, 1914: 58.
Transferred to other genera:
Phyxelida australis (Lawrence, 1937) -- see Themacrys
Phyxelida cavernicola (Lawrence, 1939) -- see Themacrys
Phyxelida fanivelona Griswold, 1990 -- see Rahavavy
Phyxelida grindleyi (Lawrence, 1964) -- see Malaika
Phyxelida malagasyana Griswold, 1990 -- see Rahavavy
Phyxelida monticola (Lawrence, 1939) -- see Themacrys
Phyxelida profundissima (Lawrence, 1964) -- see Vidole
Phyxelida silvicola (Lawrence, 1938) -- see Themacrys
Phyxelida tuberculata (Lawrence, 1939) -- see Xevioso
Phyxelida zuluana (Lawrence, 1939) -- see Xevioso
Phyxelida abyssinica Griswold, 1990 | m | Ethiopia     [urn:lsid:nmbe.ch:spidersp:023132]
Phyxelida abyssinica Griswold, 1990: 154, f. 83c-d, 84a-c (Dm).
Phyxelida anatolica Griswold, 1990 | m f | Cyprus, Turkey, Israel     [urn:lsid:nmbe.ch:spidersp:023133]
Phyxelida anatolica Griswold, 1990: 167, f. 90c-d (Df).
Phyxelida anatolica Thaler & Knoflach, 1998a: 36, f. 1-16, 18-23 (f, Dm).
Phyxelida anatolica Zonstein, Marusik & Omelko, 2015: 379, f. 4a-b (f).
Phyxelida anatolica Gavish-Regev et al., 2016: 41, f. 3a-h (mf).
Phyxelida anatolica Bosmans et al., 2019b: 26, f. 16a-j (mf).
Phyxelida apwania Griswold, 1990 | f | Kenya, Tanzania     [urn:lsid:nmbe.ch:spidersp:023134]
Phyxelida apwania Griswold, 1990: 184, f. 91g, 99e-f (Df).
Phyxelida bifoveata (Strand, 1913) | m f | East Africa     [urn:lsid:nmbe.ch:spidersp:023135]
Amphigyriodes bifoveata Strand, 1913a: 327 (Dmf).
Phyxelida bifoveata Lehtinen, 1967: 456, f. 394 (f).
Phyxelida bifoveata Griswold, 1990: 177, f. 91e, 96a-c, 97a-b, 99a-b (mf).
Phyxelida bifoveata Griswold et al., 2005: 35, f. 173A-C, 188C-D (m).
Phyxelida carcharata Griswold, 1990 | m f | Kenya     [urn:lsid:nmbe.ch:spidersp:023136]
Phyxelida carcharata Griswold, 1990: 162, f. 89a-e (Dmf).
Phyxelida carcharata Jocqué & Dippenaar-Schoeman, 2006: 208, f. 81f-h (mf).
Phyxelida crassibursa Griswold, 1990 | f | Kenya     [urn:lsid:nmbe.ch:spidersp:023137]
Phyxelida crassibursa Griswold, 1990: 174, f. 93c, 95e-f (Df).
Phyxelida eurygyna Griswold, 1990 | f | Malawi     [urn:lsid:nmbe.ch:spidersp:023138]
Phyxelida eurygyna Griswold, 1990: 176, f. 95a-b (Df).
Phyxelida irwini Griswold, 1990 | f | Kenya     [urn:lsid:nmbe.ch:spidersp:023140]
Phyxelida irwini Griswold, 1990: 171, f. 93d, 94b, d (Df).
Phyxelida jabalina Griswold, 1990 | f | Tanzania     [urn:lsid:nmbe.ch:spidersp:023141]
Phyxelida jabalina Griswold, 1990: 169, f. 92b, d, 93a (Df).
Phyxelida kipia Griswold, 1990 | m | Tanzania     [urn:lsid:nmbe.ch:spidersp:023142]
Phyxelida kipia Griswold, 1990: 158, f. 79a-b, 86a-c, 87c-d (Dm).
Phyxelida makapanensis Simon, 1894 * | m f | South Africa     [urn:lsid:nmbe.ch:spidersp:023143]
Phyxelida makapanensis Simon, 1894b: 64, f. 1-2 (Dmf).
Phyxelida makapanensis Lehtinen, 1967: 456, f. 379 (m).
Phyxelida makapanensis Griswold, 1990: 156, f. 4c, 6b, 15e, 85a-c, 90e-f, 91a (mf).
Phyxelida makapanensis Dippenaar-Schoeman et al., 2021t: 19, 18: 1 f., 19: 3 f. (mf).
Phyxelida mirabilis (L. Koch, 1875) | m f | Ethiopia     [urn:lsid:nmbe.ch:spidersp:023145]
Tegenaria mirabilis L. Koch, 1875b: 34, pl. 4, f. 2 (Dm).
Tegenaria mirabilis Simon, 1898a: 253, f. 245 (m).
Haemilla mirabilis Simon, 1909c: 29 (Df).
Haemilla mirabilis Berland, 1914: 59, f. 19-20 (f).
Haemilla mirabilis Berland, 1922: 45, pl. A1, f. 2.
Haemilla mirabilis Simon & Fage, 1922: 527, f. 1 (2, 4) (m).
Phyxelida mirabilis Lehtinen, 1967: 456, f. 380-381 (m).
Phyxelida mirabilis Griswold, 1990: 151, f. 82a-e, 83a-b, 91c (m, Df).
Phyxelida nebulosa (Tullgren, 1910) | m f | Kenya, Tanzania     [urn:lsid:nmbe.ch:spidersp:023146]
Amphigyrum nebulosum Tullgren, 1910: 93, pl. 1, f. 3 (Df).
Haemilla nebulosa Berland, 1914: 59.
Haemilla nebulosa Caporiacco, 1949a: 323, f. 2 (m).
Phyxelida nebulosa Lehtinen, 1967: 213, f. 382, 386 (mf, S of Haemilla tanganensis; revalidated by Griswold, 1990: 180).
Phyxelida nebulosa Griswold, 1990: 170, f. 93e, 94a, c (f).
Phyxelida pingoana Griswold, 1990 | f | Kenya     [urn:lsid:nmbe.ch:spidersp:023147]
Phyxelida pingoana Griswold, 1990: 165, f. 90a-b, 91b (Df).
Phyxelida sindanoa Griswold, 1990 | m f | Kenya     [urn:lsid:nmbe.ch:spidersp:023148]
Phyxelida sindanoa Griswold, 1990: 159, f. 79c-d, 80a-b, 87a-b, 88a-e (Dmf).
Phyxelida tanganensis (Simon & Fage, 1922) | m f | Tanzania     [urn:lsid:nmbe.ch:spidersp:023149]
Haemilla tanganensis Simon & Fage, 1922: 526, f. 1 (Dmf).
Phyxelida tanganensis Griswold, 1990: 180, f. 91f, 97c-d, 98a-e (mf, removed from S of Phyxelida nebulosa, contra Lehtinen, 1967: 213).
Phyxelida umlima Griswold, 1990 | f | Tanzania     [urn:lsid:nmbe.ch:spidersp:023150]
Phyxelida umlima Griswold, 1990: 172, f. 93b, 95c-d (Df).
Gen. Pongolania Griswold, 1990 [urn:lsid:nmbe.ch:spidergen:02068] Detail
type Pongolania pongola Griswold, 1990; gender feminine
N.B.: transferred from the Amaurobiidae to the Phyxelididae by Griswold et al., 1999: 59.
Pongolania chrysionaria Griswold, 1990 | f | South Africa     [urn:lsid:nmbe.ch:spidersp:023151]
Pongolania chrysionaria Griswold, 1990: 73, f. 28b, d (Df).
Pongolania chrysionaria Dippenaar-Schoeman et al., 2021t: 21, 5 f. (f).
Pongolania pongola Griswold, 1990 * | f | South Africa     [urn:lsid:nmbe.ch:spidersp:023152]
Pongolania pongola Griswold, 1990: 72, f. 12c, 28a, c (Df).
Pongolania pongola Dippenaar-Schoeman et al., 2021t: 22, 5 f. (f).
Gen. Rahavavy Griswold, Wood & Carmichael, 2012 [urn:lsid:nmbe.ch:spidergen:04042] Detail
type Phyxelida fanivelona Griswold, 1990; gender feminine
Rahavavy fanivelona (Griswold, 1990) * | m f | Madagascar     [urn:lsid:nmbe.ch:spidersp:023139]
Phyxelida fanivelona Griswold, 1990: 182, f. 4d, 91h, 99c-d (Df).
Rahavavy fanivelona Griswold, Wood & Carmichael, 2012: 799, f. 9D-F, 18A-C, 27A-D, 35A-C, 41C-D, 44D-E, 45A-B, 50A-F, 51A-I, 54A-F, 55A-F, 56A-F (Tf from Phyxelida, Dm).
Rahavavy ida Griswold, Wood & Carmichael, 2012 | m f | Madagascar     [urn:lsid:nmbe.ch:spidersp:044668]
Rahavavy ida Griswold, Wood & Carmichael, 2012: 801, f. 9B-C, 19A-C, 28A-E, 35D-F, 41A-B, 44H-I, 48A (Dmf).
Rahavavy malagasyana (Griswold, 1990) | m f | Madagascar     [urn:lsid:nmbe.ch:spidersp:023144]
Phyxelida malagasyana Griswold, 1990: 167, f. 80c, 91d, 92a, c (Df).
Rahavavy malagasyana Griswold, Wood & Carmichael, 2012: 802, f. 9A, G-I, 20A-E, 29A-E, 35G-I, 41E-F, 44F-G (Tf from Phyxelida, Dm).
Gen. Themacrys Simon, 1906 [urn:lsid:nmbe.ch:spidergen:02069] Detail
type Themacrys irrorata Simon, 1906; gender feminine
N.B.: the spelling Themarcys in Roewer is a lapsus; transferred from the Tengellidae (= Zoropsidae) to the Amaurobiidae by Lehtinen, 1967: 270 and to the Phyxelididae by Griswold et al., 1999: 59.
Transferred to other genera:
Themacrys stolida Simon, 1906 -- see Xevioso
In synonymy:
Themacrys australis (Lawrence, 1937, T from Haemilla=Phyxelida) = Themacrys irrorata Simon, 1906 (Lehtinen, 1967: 270).
Themacrys cavernicola (Lawrence, 1939) | m f | South Africa, Lesotho     [urn:lsid:nmbe.ch:spidersp:023153]
Haemilla cavernicola Lawrence, 1939: 274, f. 4 (Dmf).
Themacrys cavernicola Lehtinen, 1967: 270, f. 389 (Tmf from Haemilla=Phyxelida).
Themacrys cavernicola Griswold, 1990: 142, f. 75a-c, 76b, d, 78c-d (mf).
Themacrys cavernicola Dippenaar-Schoeman et al., 2021t: 24, 4 f. (mf).
Themacrys irrorata Simon, 1906 * | m f | South Africa     [urn:lsid:nmbe.ch:spidersp:023154]
Themacrys irrorata Simon, 1906b: 288 (Dmf).
Haemilla australis Lawrence, 1937: 217, f. 2 (Dmf).
Themacrys irrorata Lehtinen, 1967: 269, f. 384, 387 (mf, S).
Themacrys irrorata Griswold, 1990: 144, f. 76a, c, 77a-c, 78a-b (mf).
Themacrys irrorata Dippenaar-Schoeman et al., 2021t: 25, 6 f. (mf).
Themacrys monticola (Lawrence, 1939) | m f | South Africa     [urn:lsid:nmbe.ch:spidersp:023155]
Haemilla monticola Lawrence, 1939: 273, f. 3 (Dm).
Themacrys monticola Lehtinen, 1967: 270 (Tm from Haemilla=Phyxelida).
Themacrys monticola Griswold, 1990: 138, f. 71c-d, 73a-c, 74a-b, d-e (m, Df).
Themacrys monticola Dippenaar-Schoeman et al., 2021t: 26, 7 f. (mf).
Themacrys silvicola (Lawrence, 1938) | m f | South Africa     [urn:lsid:nmbe.ch:spidersp:023156]
Haemilla silvicola Lawrence, 1938a: 466, f. 5 (Dm).
Haemilla silvicola Lawrence, 1939: 272, f. 2 (Df).
Themacrys silvicola Lehtinen, 1967: 270 (Tmf from Haemilla=Phyxelida).
Themacrys silvicola Griswold, 1990: 133, f. 1b, d, 4e-f, 8a-d, 9, 11d, 15c, 16c, 67a-d, 68a-b, 70a-c, 71a-b, 72a, c (m, Df; f of Lawrence, 1939 = T. cavernicola).
Themacrys silvicola Dippenaar-Schoeman et al., 2021t: 27, 8 f. (mf).
Themacrys ukhahlamba Griswold, 1990 | f | South Africa     [urn:lsid:nmbe.ch:spidersp:023157]
Themacrys ukhahlamba Griswold, 1990: 136, f. 72b, d (Df).
Themacrys ukhahlamba Dippenaar-Schoeman et al., 2021t: 28, 3 f. (f).
Gen. Vidole Lehtinen, 1967 [urn:lsid:nmbe.ch:spidergen:02070] Detail
type Auximus capensis Pocock, 1900; gender feminine
N.B.: transferred from the Amaurobiidae to the Phyxelididae by Griswold et al., 1999: 59.
In synonymy:
Vidole profundissima (Lawrence, 1964, T from Phyxelida) = Vidole capensis (Pocock, 1900) (Griswold, 1990: 66).
Vidole promontorii (Simon, 1906, T from Amaurobius) = Vidole capensis (Pocock, 1900) (Lehtinen, 1967: 274).
Vidole capensis (Pocock, 1900) * | m f | South Africa     [urn:lsid:nmbe.ch:spidersp:023158]
Auximus capensis Pocock, 1900e: 323 (Df).
Amaurobius promontorii Simon, 1906b: 294 (Df).
Haemilla profundissima Lawrence, 1964: 60, f. 2 (Df).
Vidole capensis Lehtinen, 1967: 274, f. 388, 393 (Tf from Auximus=Lathys, S; S of V. schreineri rejected).
Phyxelida profundissima Brignoli, 1983c: 528.
Vidole capensis Griswold, 1990: 66, f. 1a, 3a, 5e-f, 12b, 15d, 17a-b, 19a-e, 25a-c, 26b, e (f, Dm, S).
Vidole capensis Dippenaar-Schoeman et al., 2021t: 30, 30: 7 f., 31: 1 f. (mf).
Vidole helicigyna Griswold, 1990 | m f | South Africa     [urn:lsid:nmbe.ch:spidersp:023159]
Vidole helicigyna Griswold, 1990: 62, f. 22a-b, 23a-c, 26a, d (Dmf).
Vidole helicigyna Dippenaar-Schoeman et al., 2021t: 32, 6 f. (mf).
Vidole lyra Griswold, 1990 | f | South Africa     [urn:lsid:nmbe.ch:spidersp:023160]
Vidole lyra Griswold, 1990: 64, f. 24a, c (Df).
Vidole lyra Dippenaar-Schoeman et al., 2021t: 33, 2 f. (f).
Vidole schreineri (Purcell, 1904) | m f | South Africa     [urn:lsid:nmbe.ch:spidersp:023161]
Auximus schreineri Purcell, 1904: 131, pl. 10, f. 1 (Dmf).
Vidole capensis Lehtinen, 1967: 274 (Tmf from Auximus=Lathys sub rejected S).
Vidole schreineri Griswold, 1990: 70, f. 26c, f, 27a-c (removed mf from S).
Vidole schreineri Dippenaar-Schoeman et al., 2021t: 34, 5 f. (mf).
Vidole sothoana Griswold, 1990 | m f | Lesotho, South Africa     [urn:lsid:nmbe.ch:spidersp:023162]
Vidole sothoana Griswold, 1990: 59, f. 21a-c, 22c-d, 24b, d (Dmf).
Vidole sothoana Dippenaar-Schoeman et al., 2021t: 35, 29: 2 f., 35: 6 f., 36: 1 f. (mf).
Gen. Vytfutia Deeleman-Reinhold, 1986 [urn:lsid:nmbe.ch:spidergen:02071] Detail
type Vytfutia bedel Deeleman-Reinhold, 1986; gender feminine
N.B.: transferred from the Agelenidae to the Amaurobiidae by Griswold, 1990: 186 and to the Phyxelididae by Griswold et al., 1999: 59.
Vytfutia bedel Deeleman-Reinhold, 1986 * | m f | Indonesia (Sumatra)     [urn:lsid:nmbe.ch:spidersp:023163]
Vytfutia bedel Deeleman-Reinhold, 1986c: 34, f. 1-11 (Dmf).
Vytfutia bedel Griswold, 1990: 186, f. 4a, 15a, 16a, 100a-e, 101a-c (mf).
Vytfutia bedel Griswold, 2022: 336, f. 15-19, 56-57 (mf).
Vytfutia halandrefana Griswold, 2022 | f | Madagascar     [urn:lsid:nmbe.ch:spidersp:054965]
Vytfutia halandrefana Griswold, 2022: 337, f. 20-25, 50-55 (Df).
Vytfutia labalaba Griswold, 2022 | m f | Malaysia (Borneo)     [urn:lsid:nmbe.ch:spidersp:054966]
Vytfutia labalaba Griswold, 2022: 338, f. 1-13, 26-44, 58-59 (Dmf).
Vytfutia pallens Deeleman-Reinhold, 1989 | m f | Malaysia (Borneo)     [urn:lsid:nmbe.ch:spidersp:023164]
Vytfutia pallens Deeleman-Reinhold, 1989a: 622, f. 4-10 (Dmf).
Vytfutia pallens Griswold, 2022: 339, f. 45-49, 60-61 (mf).
Gen. Xevioso Lehtinen, 1967 [urn:lsid:nmbe.ch:spidergen:02072] Detail
type Haemilla tuberculata Lawrence, 1939; gender feminine
N.B.: transferred from the Amaurobiidae to the Phyxelididae by Griswold et al., 1999: 59.
Nomen dubium:
Xevioso stolida (Simon, 1906b: 288, m, South Africa, originally in Themacrys) -- Griswold, 1990: 99.
Xevioso amica Griswold, 1990 | m f | South Africa     [urn:lsid:nmbe.ch:spidersp:023165]
Xevioso amica Griswold, 1990: 82, f. 5c-d, 6a, c, e-f, 7a, e-f, 10a-b, 12e, 14a-d, 15b, 16b, 29a-e, 30a-f, 35b, e, 36a-c, 47a-b (Dmf).
Xevioso amica Griswold et al., 2005: 35, f. 170B, E (mf).
Xevioso amica Dippenaar-Schoeman et al., 2021t: 38, 7 f. (mf).
Xevioso aululata Griswold, 1990 | m f | South Africa     [urn:lsid:nmbe.ch:spidersp:023166]
Xevioso aululata Griswold, 1990: 88, f. 12d, 38c-d, 39a-c, 40c-d (Dmf).
Xevioso aululata Dippenaar-Schoeman et al., 2021t: 39, 4 f. (mf).
Xevioso cepfi Pett & Jocqué, 2020 | m f | Mozambique     [urn:lsid:nmbe.ch:spidersp:051826]
Xevioso cepfi Pett & Jocqué, 2020: 3, f. 1A-D, 2A-C, 3A-C, 4A,D, 5A-D (Dmf).
Xevioso colobata Griswold, 1990 | m | South Africa     [urn:lsid:nmbe.ch:spidersp:023167]
Xevioso colobata Griswold, 1990: 90, f. 40a-b, 41a-c (Dm).
Xevioso colobata Dippenaar-Schoeman et al., 2021t: 40, 8 f. (m).
Xevioso jocquei Griswold, 1990 | m | Malawi     [urn:lsid:nmbe.ch:spidersp:023168]
Xevioso jocquei Griswold, 1990: 98, f. 46a-c, 47e-f (Dm).
Xevioso jocquei Pett & Jocqué, 2020: 13, f. 4B,E (m).
Xevioso kulufa Griswold, 1990 | m f | South Africa     [urn:lsid:nmbe.ch:spidersp:023169]
Xevioso kulufa Griswold, 1990: 95, f. 43b, d, 44c-d, 45a-c (Dmf).
Xevioso kulufa Dippenaar-Schoeman et al., 2021t: 41, 4 f. (mf).
Xevioso lichmadina Griswold, 1990 | m f | South Africa     [urn:lsid:nmbe.ch:spidersp:023170]
Xevioso lichmadina Griswold, 1990: 92, f. 7b-d, 42a-c, 43a, c, 44a-b (Dmf).
Xevioso lichmadina Dippenaar-Schoeman et al., 2021t: 42, 7 f. (mf).
Xevioso megcummingae Pett & Jocqué, 2020 | m f | Malawi, Zimbabwe     [urn:lsid:nmbe.ch:spidersp:051827]
Xevioso megcummingae Pett & Jocqué, 2020: 9, f. 4C, 6A-G, 7A-D (Dmf).
Xevioso orthomeles Griswold, 1990 | m f | Zimbabwe, South Africa, Eswatini     [urn:lsid:nmbe.ch:spidersp:023171]
Xevioso orthomeles Griswold, 1990: 78, f. 34a-c, 35a, d, 47c-d (Dmf).
Xevioso orthomeles Dippenaar-Schoeman et al., 2021t: 43, 37: 2 f., 43: 7 f. (mf).
Xevioso tuberculata (Lawrence, 1939) * | m f | South Africa     [urn:lsid:nmbe.ch:spidersp:023172]
Haemilla tuberculata Lawrence, 1939: 276, f. 5 (Df).
Xevioso tuberculata Lehtinen, 1967: 275, f. 383 (Tmf from Haemilla=Phyxelida).
Xevioso tuberculata Griswold, 1990: 77, f. 32a-c, 33c-d, 35c, f (mf).
Xevioso tuberculata Dippenaar-Schoeman et al., 2021t: 44, 4 f. (mf).
Xevioso zuluana (Lawrence, 1939) | m f | South Africa     [urn:lsid:nmbe.ch:spidersp:023173]
Haemilla zuluana Lawrence, 1939: 278, f. 6 (Dm).
Xevioso zuluana Lehtinen, 1967: 275 (Tm from Haemilla=Phyxelida).
Xevioso zuluana Griswold, 1990: 84, f. 33a-b, 37a-c, 38a-b (m, Df).
Xevioso zuluana Dippenaar-Schoeman et al., 2021t: 45, 6 f. (mf).