Family: Lycosidae Sundevall, 1833 []
Gen. Hippasosa Roewer, 1960 []
type Hippasosa pilosa Roewer, 1960; gender feminine
N.B.: considered a junior synonym of Ocyale Audouin, 1826: 149 [] (type O. atalanta Audouin, 1826) by Alderweireldt & Jocqué, 2005: 46, 63; synonymy rejected and Ocyale declared a nomen dubium (in Pisauridae) by Sherwood, 2022c: 583.
Transferred to other genera:
Hippasosa huachoi (Mello-Leitão, 1942) -- see Prolycosides
Hippasosa kalpiensis (Gajbe, 2004) -- see Arctosa
Hippasosa huachoi (Mello-Leitão, 1942) -- see Prolycosides
Hippasosa kalpiensis (Gajbe, 2004) -- see Arctosa
In synonymy:
Hippasosa modesta (Giebel, 1863, T from Lycosa) = Hippasosa pelliona (Audouin, 1826) (Roewer, 1955c: 280, sub Ocyale).
Hippasosa natalica (Roewer, 1960, T from Hippasa) = Hippasosa guttata (Karsch, 1878) (Alderweireldt & Jocqué, 2005: 65, sub Ocyale).
Hippasosa neatalanta (Alderweireldt, 1996) = Hippasosa pilosa Roewer, 1960 (Alderweireldt & Jocqué, 2005: 63, sub Ocyale).
Hippasosa spissa (Bösenberg & Lenz, 1895) = Hippasosa guttata (Karsch, 1878) (Alderweireldt, 1996: 1356, sub Ocyale).
Hippasosa spissides (Strand, 1908) = Hippasosa guttata (Karsch, 1878) (Strand, 1908a: 344, sub Ocyale spissa).
Hippasosa modesta (Giebel, 1863, T from Lycosa) = Hippasosa pelliona (Audouin, 1826) (Roewer, 1955c: 280, sub Ocyale).
Hippasosa natalica (Roewer, 1960, T from Hippasa) = Hippasosa guttata (Karsch, 1878) (Alderweireldt & Jocqué, 2005: 65, sub Ocyale).
Hippasosa neatalanta (Alderweireldt, 1996) = Hippasosa pilosa Roewer, 1960 (Alderweireldt & Jocqué, 2005: 63, sub Ocyale).
Hippasosa spissa (Bösenberg & Lenz, 1895) = Hippasosa guttata (Karsch, 1878) (Alderweireldt, 1996: 1356, sub Ocyale).
Hippasosa spissides (Strand, 1908) = Hippasosa guttata (Karsch, 1878) (Strand, 1908a: 344, sub Ocyale spissa).
Nomina dubia:
Hippasosa conspersa (Karsch, 1879e: 831, j, Gabun, originally in Ocyale) -- Alderweireldt, 1996: 1364, sub Ocyale.
Hippasosa ingenua (Karsch, 1879a: 354, j, Angola, originally in Lycosa) -- Alderweireldt, 1996: 1364, sub Ocyale.
Hippasosa maculata (L. Koch, 1875b: 78, pl. 7, f. 5-5a, f, Ethiopia, originally in Trochosa) -- Alderweireldt, 1996: 1363, sub Ocyale.
Hippasosa conspersa (Karsch, 1879e: 831, j, Gabun, originally in Ocyale) -- Alderweireldt, 1996: 1364, sub Ocyale.
Hippasosa ingenua (Karsch, 1879a: 354, j, Angola, originally in Lycosa) -- Alderweireldt, 1996: 1364, sub Ocyale.
Hippasosa maculata (L. Koch, 1875b: 78, pl. 7, f. 5-5a, f, Ethiopia, originally in Trochosa) -- Alderweireldt, 1996: 1363, sub Ocyale.
Hippasosa dewinterae
(Alderweireldt, 1996) |
| Malawi, Namibia, South Africa

Ocyale dewinterae Alderweireldt, 1996: 1359, f. 18-19, 22, 28-29 (Dmf).
Ocyale dewinterae Jocque et al., 2017: 4, f. a-b, q (mf).
Ocyale dewinterae Dippenaar-Schoeman et al., 2021l: 15, 6 f. (mf).
Hippasosa dewinterae Sherwood, 2022c: 583 (T from Ocyale).
Ocyale dewinterae Jocque et al., 2017: 4, f. a-b, q (mf).
Ocyale dewinterae Dippenaar-Schoeman et al., 2021l: 15, 6 f. (mf).
Hippasosa dewinterae Sherwood, 2022c: 583 (T from Ocyale).
Hippasosa discrepans
(Roewer, 1960) |
| Ethiopia

Ocyale discrepans Roewer, 1960d: 809, f. 449a-b (Df).
Ocyale discrepans Alderweireldt, 1996: 1362, f. 24 (f).
Hippasosa discrepans Sherwood, 2022c: 583 (T from Ocyale).
Ocyale discrepans Alderweireldt, 1996: 1362, f. 24 (f).
Hippasosa discrepans Sherwood, 2022c: 583 (T from Ocyale).
Hippasosa fera
(Strand, 1908) |
| Madagascar

Lycosa robusta Lenz, 1891: 171, pl. 1, f. 7 (Df; preoccupied by Simon, 1876, see Trochosa robusta) [].
Ocyale fera Strand, 1908a: 155 (replacement name).
Ocyale fera Roewer, 1960d: 814, f. 452a-b (f).
Ocyale fera Alderweireldt, 1996: 1364 (does not belong to Ocyale, probably Lycosa s. lat.).
Hippasosa fera Sherwood, 2022c: 583 (T from Ocyale).
Hippasosa fera Sherwood & Jäger, 2024: 5, f. 5A, C-F (f, misplaced in this genus).
Ocyale fera Strand, 1908a: 155 (replacement name).
Ocyale fera Roewer, 1960d: 814, f. 452a-b (f).
Ocyale fera Alderweireldt, 1996: 1364 (does not belong to Ocyale, probably Lycosa s. lat.).
Hippasosa fera Sherwood, 2022c: 583 (T from Ocyale).
Hippasosa fera Sherwood & Jäger, 2024: 5, f. 5A, C-F (f, misplaced in this genus).
Hippasosa ghost
(Jocque & Jocqué, 2017) |
| Madagascar

Ocyale ghost Jocque & Jocqué, in Jocque et al., 2017: 5, f. e-f, n, 3A-F, 4A-D, 5A-F, 6A-C, 7A-C (Dmf).
Hippasosa ghost Sherwood, 2022c: 583 (T from Ocyale).
Hippasosa ghost Sherwood, 2022c: 583 (T from Ocyale).
Hippasosa grandis
(Alderweireldt, 1996) |
| Togo, Gabun, Congo, Namibia

Ocyale ingenua Roewer, 1960d: 817, f. 453a-b (m; misidentified per Alderweireldt, 1996: 1359).
Ocyale grandis Alderweireldt, 1996: 1358, f. 16-17, 23, 30-31 (Dmf).
Ocyale grandis Jocque et al., 2017: 4, f. c-d, i, p (mf).
Hippasosa grandis Sherwood, 2022c: 583 (T from Ocyale).
Ocyale grandis Alderweireldt, 1996: 1358, f. 16-17, 23, 30-31 (Dmf).
Ocyale grandis Jocque et al., 2017: 4, f. c-d, i, p (mf).
Hippasosa grandis Sherwood, 2022c: 583 (T from Ocyale).
Hippasosa guttata
(Karsch, 1878) |
| Rwanda, Tanzania, Zambia, Namibia, Botswana, Mozambique, South Africa

Lycosa guttata Karsch, 1878a: 329, pl. 2, f. 1 (Dm).
Trochosa guttata Pavesi, 1881: 552.
Trochosa spissa Bösenberg & Lenz, 1895: 39, pl. 2, f. 18 (Dj) [].
Ocyale spissa Strand, 1908k: 342 (m).
Ocyale spissides Strand, 1908k: 344 (invalid provisional name) [].
Ocyale spissa Lessert, 1925b: 336, f. 7C (Df).
Ocyale spissa Lessert, 1927: 407, f. 1 (mf).
Ocyale spissa Roewer, 1960d: 810, f. 450a-c (mf).
Hippasa natalica Roewer, 1960d: 991, f. 548a-d (Dm) [].
Crocodilosa guttata Roewer, 1960d: 850, f. 471 (m, removed from S of Ocyale atalanta sensu Simon, rejecting Simon, 1886g: 359).
Ocyale guttata Alderweireldt, 1996: 1356, f. 4, 14-15, 21, 26-27 (mf, T from Crocodilosa, S of Ocyale spissa).
Ocyale spissides Alderweireldt, 1996: 1363 (nomen nudum, but taken as nomen dubium by Platnick).
Ocyale guttata Alderweireldt & Jocqué, 2005: 65 (S of Hippasa natalica).
Ocyale guttata Jocque et al., 2017: 4, f. g-h, j-k (m).
Ocyale guttata Dippenaar-Schoeman et al., 2021l: 16, 4 f. (mf).
Hippasosa guttata Sherwood, 2022c: 583 (T from Ocyale).
Hippasosa spissides Sherwood, 2022c: 583 (T from Ocyale).
Hippasosa guttata Dippenaar-Schoeman & Webb, 2023a: 20, f. 1-15 (mf).
Trochosa guttata Pavesi, 1881: 552.
Trochosa spissa Bösenberg & Lenz, 1895: 39, pl. 2, f. 18 (Dj) [].
Ocyale spissa Strand, 1908k: 342 (m).
Ocyale spissides Strand, 1908k: 344 (invalid provisional name) [].
Ocyale spissa Lessert, 1925b: 336, f. 7C (Df).
Ocyale spissa Lessert, 1927: 407, f. 1 (mf).
Ocyale spissa Roewer, 1960d: 810, f. 450a-c (mf).
Hippasa natalica Roewer, 1960d: 991, f. 548a-d (Dm) [].
Crocodilosa guttata Roewer, 1960d: 850, f. 471 (m, removed from S of Ocyale atalanta sensu Simon, rejecting Simon, 1886g: 359).
Ocyale guttata Alderweireldt, 1996: 1356, f. 4, 14-15, 21, 26-27 (mf, T from Crocodilosa, S of Ocyale spissa).
Ocyale spissides Alderweireldt, 1996: 1363 (nomen nudum, but taken as nomen dubium by Platnick).
Ocyale guttata Alderweireldt & Jocqué, 2005: 65 (S of Hippasa natalica).
Ocyale guttata Jocque et al., 2017: 4, f. g-h, j-k (m).
Ocyale guttata Dippenaar-Schoeman et al., 2021l: 16, 4 f. (mf).
Hippasosa guttata Sherwood, 2022c: 583 (T from Ocyale).
Hippasosa spissides Sherwood, 2022c: 583 (T from Ocyale).
Hippasosa guttata Dippenaar-Schoeman & Webb, 2023a: 20, f. 1-15 (mf).
Hippasosa kumari
(Dyal, 1935) |
| Pakistan

Ocyale kumari Dyal, 1935: 147, pl. 13, f. 47 (Df).
Hippasosa kumari Sherwood, 2022c: 583 (T from Ocyale).
Hippasosa kumari Sherwood, 2022c: 583 (T from Ocyale).
Hippasosa lanca
(Karsch, 1879) |
| Sri Lanka

Lycosa lanca Karsch, 1879d: 551 (Dm).
Lycosa lanca Karsch, 1892: 297, pl. 12, f. 21 (m, Df).
Ocyale lanca Roewer, 1955c: 281.
Hippasosa lanca Sherwood, 2022c: 583 (T from Ocyale).
Lycosa lanca Karsch, 1892: 297, pl. 12, f. 21 (m, Df).
Ocyale lanca Roewer, 1955c: 281.
Hippasosa lanca Sherwood, 2022c: 583 (T from Ocyale).
Hippasosa pelliona
(Audouin, 1826) |
| Algeria, Egypt

Lycosa pelliona Audouin, 1826: 368, pl. 4, f. 5 (Df).
Lycosa modesta Giebel, 1863: 314 (Df) [].
Leimonia pelliona Simon, 1864: 351.
Ocyale pelliona Roewer, 1955c: 280 (S of Lycosa modesta).
Hippasosa pelliona Sherwood, 2022c: 583 (T from Ocyale).
Lycosa modesta Giebel, 1863: 314 (Df) [].
Leimonia pelliona Simon, 1864: 351.
Ocyale pelliona Roewer, 1955c: 280 (S of Lycosa modesta).
Hippasosa pelliona Sherwood, 2022c: 583 (T from Ocyale).
Hippasosa pilosa
Roewer, 1960 *
| Turkey, Africa to Saudi Arabia, India, Sri Lanka, Myanmar

Ocyale atalanta Simon, 1886g: 358 (m, S of Trochosa guttata [revalidated by Roewer, 1960d: 850] and T. lactea [now a nomen dubium, see Trochosa lactea]; misidentified per Alderweireldt, 1996: 1351).
Ocyale atalanta Lessert, 1925b: 336, f. 7A-B (f; misidentified per Alderweireldt, 1996: 1351).
Ocyale atalanta Roewer, 1960d: 807, f. 448a-c (mf; misidentified per Alderweireldt, 1996: 1351).
Hippasosa pilosa Roewer, 1960d: 1003, f. 555a-c (Dm).
Ocyale atalanta Tikader & Malhotra, 1980: 364, f. 231-235 (mf; misidentified sensu Alderweireldt, 1996: 1351).
Ocyale neatalanta Alderweireldt, 1996: 1353, f. 1-3, 5-13, 20, 25 (Dmf) [].
Ocyale pilosa Alderweireldt & Jocqué, 2005: 63 (S of Ocyale neatalanta).
Ocyale pilosa Siyam, Dunlop & El-Hennawy, 2015: 267, f. 13-15 (m).
Ocyale pilosa Jocque et al., 2017: 4, f. l-m, o, r (mf).
Hippasosa pilosa Sherwood, 2022c: 583 (T from Ocyale).
Hippasosa pilosa Sankaran & Caleb, 2023b: 541, f. 6A-B (f).
Ocyale atalanta Lessert, 1925b: 336, f. 7A-B (f; misidentified per Alderweireldt, 1996: 1351).
Ocyale atalanta Roewer, 1960d: 807, f. 448a-c (mf; misidentified per Alderweireldt, 1996: 1351).
Hippasosa pilosa Roewer, 1960d: 1003, f. 555a-c (Dm).
Ocyale atalanta Tikader & Malhotra, 1980: 364, f. 231-235 (mf; misidentified sensu Alderweireldt, 1996: 1351).
Ocyale neatalanta Alderweireldt, 1996: 1353, f. 1-3, 5-13, 20, 25 (Dmf) [].
Ocyale pilosa Alderweireldt & Jocqué, 2005: 63 (S of Ocyale neatalanta).
Ocyale pilosa Siyam, Dunlop & El-Hennawy, 2015: 267, f. 13-15 (m).
Ocyale pilosa Jocque et al., 2017: 4, f. l-m, o, r (mf).
Hippasosa pilosa Sherwood, 2022c: 583 (T from Ocyale).
Hippasosa pilosa Sankaran & Caleb, 2023b: 541, f. 6A-B (f).
Hippasosa qiongzhongensis
(Yin & Peng, 1997) |
| China (Hainan)

Ocyale qiongzhongensis Yin & Peng, 1997: 6, f. 1-3 (Dm).
Ocyale qiongzhongensis Yin et al., 1997c: 22, f. 8a-f (m).
Ocyale qiongzhongensis Song, Zhu & Chen, 1999: 329, f. 192O (m).
Ocyale qiongzhongensis Wang et al., 2021a: 42, f. 2A-B, 33A-H, 34A-F, 35A-D (m, Df).
Hippasosa qiongzhongensis Sherwood, 2022c: 583 (T from Ocyale).
Hippasosa qiongzhongensis Wang, Irfan & Zhang, 2025: 343, f. 6B-C, E (mf).
Ocyale qiongzhongensis Yin et al., 1997c: 22, f. 8a-f (m).
Ocyale qiongzhongensis Song, Zhu & Chen, 1999: 329, f. 192O (m).
Ocyale qiongzhongensis Wang et al., 2021a: 42, f. 2A-B, 33A-H, 34A-F, 35A-D (m, Df).
Hippasosa qiongzhongensis Sherwood, 2022c: 583 (T from Ocyale).
Hippasosa qiongzhongensis Wang, Irfan & Zhang, 2025: 343, f. 6B-C, E (mf).
Hippasosa thailandica
Wang, Irfan & Zhang, 2025 |
| Thailand

Hippasosa thailandica Wang, Irfan & Zhang, 2025: 341, f. 1A, 2A-B, 3A-C (Dm).
Hippasosa yunnanensis
Wang, Irfan & Zhang, 2025 |
| China

Hippasosa yunnanensis Wang, Irfan & Zhang, 2025: 343, f. 1C, 4A-D, 5A-H, 6A, D (Dmf).