Family: Theridiosomatidae Simon, 1881 []
Gen. Chthonopes Wunderlich, 2011 []
type Chthonopes jaegeri Wunderlich, 2011; gender masculine
Chthonopes bifidus
Yu & Lin, 2022 |
| China

Chthonopes bifidum Yu & Lin, in Yang, Yu & Lin, 2022: 150, f. 1A-G, 2A-D (Dmf).
Chthonopes cavernicola
Wunderlich, 2011 |
| Laos

Chthonopes cavernicolus Wunderlich, 2011: 433, f. 8-18 (Dm; the ending of the species epithet is corrected to -icola, which is considered an adjective of common gender, with identical form for male and female, in accordance with classical Latin usage).
Chthonopes jaegeri
Wunderlich, 2011 *
| Laos

Chthonopes jaegeri Wunderlich, 2011: 435, f. 18a-f (Dmf).
Chthonopes jaegeri Yang, Yu & Lin, 2022: 154, f. 3A-G, 4A-D (mf).
Chthonopes jaegeri Yang, Yu & Lin, 2022: 154, f. 3A-G, 4A-D (mf).
Chthonopes jimudeng
Yu & Lin, 2022 |
| China

Chthonopes jimudeng Yu & Lin, in Yang, Yu & Lin, 2022: 157, f. 5A-E (Df).
Chthonopes thakekensis
Lin, Li & Jäger, 2014 |
| Laos

Chthonopes thakekensis Lin, Li & Jäger, 2014: 98, f. 17A-E, 18A-C (Df).