Family: Theridiidae Sundevall, 1833 [] Detail
Gen. Neottiura Menge, 1868 [] Detail
type Aranea bimaculata Linnaeus, 1767; gender feminine
N.B.: the revalidation of this genus by Levi, 1956b: 409, Miller, 1971: 191, Wunderlich, 1975a: 384, Wunderlich, 1977a: 289, Heimer & Nentwig, 1991: 292 and Knoflach, 1999: 344 is accepted here (contra Simon, 1894a: 550); probably a member of the Spintharinae.
In synonymy:
Neottiura apicata (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1872) = Neottiura uncinata (Lucas, 1846) (Levy & Amitai, 1982a: 116, sub Theridion).
Neottiura brachiata (Thorell, 1871) = Neottiura bimaculata (Linnaeus, 1767) (Simon, 1881a: 60, sub Theridion).
Neottiura carolina (Walckenaer, 1802) = Neottiura bimaculata (Linnaeus, 1767) (Thorell, 1870a: 87, sub Theridium).
Neottiura dorsiger (Hahn, 1831, T from Theridion) = Neottiura bimaculata (Linnaeus, 1767) (C. L. Koch, 1835: 127, pl. 23-24, sub Linyphia).
Neottiura nivalia (Saito, 1934, T from Theridion) = Neottiura bimaculata (Linnaeus, 1767) (Yoshida, 2003a: 88).
Neottiura pusilla (Kulczyński, 1905, T from Theridion) = Neottiura herbigrada (Simon, 1873) (Knoflach, 1999: 353).
Neottiura pusillata (Roewer, 1942, T from Theridion) = Neottiura herbigrada (Simon, 1873) (Knoflach, 1999: 353).
Neottiura pustulifera (Levy & Amitai, 1982, T from Theridion) = Neottiura herbigrada (Simon, 1873) (Knoflach, 1999: 353).
Neottiura regia (Drensky, 1929, T from Dipoena) = Neottiura suaveolens (Simon, 1880) (Wunderlich, 1977a: 289).
Neottiura reticulata (C. L. Koch, 1845) = Neottiura bimaculata (Linnaeus, 1767) (Simon, 1881a: 60, sub Theridion).
Neottiura bimaculata (Linnaeus, 1767) * | m f | North America, Europe, Turkey, Caucasus, Russia (Europe to Far East), Kazakhstan, Iran, Central Asia, China, Japan     []
Aranea bimaculata Linnaeus, 1767: 1033 (D).
Aranea carolina Walckenaer, 1802: 208 (D) [].
Theridion carolinum Walckenaer, 1805: 75.
Theridion dorsiger Hahn, 1831b: 1, pl. 2, f. bB2 (Df) [].
Theridion dorsiger Hahn, 1833a: 82, f. 61 (Dm).
Linyphia bimaculata C. L. Koch, 1835: 127, pl. 23-24 (Dmf, S of Theridion dorsiger).
Theridion carolinum Walckenaer, 1841: 315 (Dmf).
Theridion reticulatum C. L. Koch, 1845: 136, f. 1059 (Df) [].
Steatoda reticulata C. L. Koch, 1850: 17.
Theridion bimaculatum Thorell, 1856: 94.
Linyphia dorsigum Siemaschko, 1861: 125.
Theridion carolinum Blackwall, 1864a: 192, pl. 14, f. 123 (mf).
Neottiura bimaculata Menge, 1868: 163, pl. 31, f. 71 (mf).
Theridium bimaculatum Thorell, 1870a: 87 (S of Theridion carolinum).
Theridium brachiatum Thorell, 1871a: 145 (Dm) [].
Theridion bimaculatum Simon, 1881a: 60 (S of Theridion brachiatum, T. pellucidum and T. reticulatum; T. pellucidum revalidated as subspecies of T. bimaculatum by Simon, 1914: 252, 295).
Theridium bimaculatum Chyzer & Kulczyński, 1894: 32, pl. 1, f. 24 (f).
Theridion bimaculata Simon, 1894a: 536, f. 551 (m).
Theridion bimaculata Becker, 1896: (2): 80, pl. 16, f. 1 (mf).
Theridion bimaculatum Smith, 1900b: 207, f. 1d (m).
Theridion bimaculata Bösenberg, 1902: 109, pl. 9, f. 137 (mf).
Theridion bimaculata Simon, 1914: 252, 294, f. 500-501 (mf).
Theridion nivalium Saito, 1934a: 330, f. 5 (Dm) [].
Theridion bimaculata Wiehle, 1937: 149, f. 70-75 (mf).
Neottiura bimaculata Archer, 1950: 21, p. III, f. 8 (m).
Theridion bimaculatum Locket & Millidge, 1953: 80, f. 52A-C (mf).
Neottiura bimaculata Levi, 1956b: 409, f. 1-10 (mf, T from Theridion).
Theridion nivarium Saito, 1959: 71, f. 68a-d (Df, lapsus).
Theridion bimaculatum Yaginuma, 1967b: 94, f. 2k (f).
Theridion bimaculatum Azheganova, 1968: 57, f. 100, 111 (mf).
Theridion bimaculatum Tystshenko, 1971: 147, f. 399, 422-423 (mf).
Neottiura bimaculata Miller, 1971: 191, pl. XXXIV, f. 3-4 (mf).
Theridion bimaculatum Palmgren, 1974b: 17, f. 3.12-14 (mf).
Neottiura bimaculata Punda, 1975b: 63, f. 127-129 (f).
Theridion bimaculatum Zhou, Wang & Zhu, 1983: 154, f. 3a-c (f).
Theridion bimaculatum Roberts, 1985: 188, f. 84b (mf).
Theridion bimaculatum Yaginuma, 1986a: 38, f. 20.7 (f).
Theridion bimaculatum Hu & Wu, 1989: 132, f. 105.1-3 (mf).
Theridion bimaculatum Izmailova, 1989: 91, f. 71 (f).
Theridion bimaculatum Chikuni, 1989b: 43, f. 59 (mf).
Neottiura bimaculata Heimer & Nentwig, 1991: 292, f. 785 (mf).
Theridion bimaculatum Roberts, 1995: 289, f. (mf).
Theridion bimaculatum Zhu, 1998: 130, f. 74A-E (mf).
Theridion bimaculatum Roberts, 1998: 303, f. (mf).
Neottiura bimaculata Knoflach, 1999: 350, f. 1-5, 7, 10-11, 24-30, 32-35, 44, 50, 56, 64-65, 84 (mf).
Theridion bimaculatum Song, Zhu & Chen, 1999: 137, f. 72A-B, O-P (mf).
Neottiura bimaculata Yoshida, 2001c: 174, f. 10, 60-62 (mf).
Neottiura bimaculata Paquin & Dupérré, 2003: 217, f. 2423-2425 (mf).
Neottiura bimaculata Yoshida, 2003a: 88, f. 216-218, 568 (mf, S of Theridion nivalium).
Neottiura bimaculata Knoflach & Pfaller, 2004: 136, f. 19h (m).
Neottiura bimaculata Almquist, 2006: 76, f. 99a-i (mf).
Neottiura bimaculata Agnarsson, Coddington & Knoflach, 2007: 373, f. 134-138, 183-184 (m).
Neottiura bimaculata Türkes & Mergen, 2007: 115, f. 1 (f).
Neottiura bimaculata Yoshida, 2009b: 374, f. 178-179 (mf).
Neottiura bimaculata Le Peru, 2011: 457, f. 748-749 (mf).
Neottiura bimaculata Vanuytven, 2021: 200, f. B.199a, B.200-201 (m).
Neottiura bimaculata pellucida (Simon, 1873) | m f | Spain, France, Italy     []
Theridium pellucidum Simon, 1873a: 110, pl. 2, f. 29 (Dmf).
Theridion bimaculatum pellucidum Simon, 1914: 252, 295 (removed from S of Theridion bimaculatum, rejecting Simon, 1881a: 60).
Theridion bimaculatum pellucidum Brignoli, 1967e: 192, f. 10A-B (f).
Neottiura bimaculata pellucida Knoflach, 1999: 350, f. 31, 47 (mf).
Neottiura curvimana (Simon, 1914) | m f | Portugal, Spain, France, Algeria     []
Theridion curvimanus Simon, 1914: 254, 295, f. 503 (Dmf).
Theridion curvimanus Vanuytven, Van Keer & Poot, 1994: 2, f. 10-13 (mf).
Neottiura curvimana Knoflach, 1999: 352, f. 17-18, 38-39, 49, 52, 55 (Tmf from Theridion, after suggestion by Vanuytven, Van Keer & Poot, 1994).
Theridion curvimanus Melic, Hernández & Moreno, 1999: 88, f. 1, 2A-B (m).
Neottiura curvimana Le Peru, 2011: 457, f. 750 (mf).
Neottiura curvimana Cárdenas & Barrientos, 2011: 120, f. 35-37 (m).
Neottiura curvimana Lecigne, 2017: 35, f. 12K (m).
Neottiura curvimana Wunderlich, 2023: 32, f. 45 (m).
Neottiura herbigrada (Simon, 1873) | m f | Madeira, Mediterranean, Ukraine, China, Korea     []
Theridium herbigrada Simon, 1873a: 113, pl. 2, f. 28 (Dmf).
Theridion pusillum Kulczyński, 1905d: 442, pl. 12, f. 6, 9 (Dmf; preoccupied by Wider, 1834, see Minyriolus pusillus) [].
Theridion pusillatum Roewer, 1942a: 470 (replacement name for T. pusillum) [].
Achaearanea herbigrada Denis, 1962a: 61, f. 56 (f, T from Theridion).
Theridion pustuliferus Levy & Amitai, 1982a: 119, f. 76-78 (Df) [].
Theridion herbigrada Vanuytven, Van Keer & Poot, 1994: 2, f. 9 (m).
Theridion pustuliferus Zhu, 1998: 144, f. 87A-E (f).
Theridion pustuliferum Levy, 1998b: 215, f. 408-410 (f).
Neottiura herbigrada Knoflach, 1999: 353, f. 6, 9, 20-22, 36-37, 45, 54, 58, 61, 67 (mf, T from Achaearanea, S of Theridion pusillatum, T. pusillum and T. pustulifer).
Theridion pustuliferus Song, Zhu & Chen, 1999: 142, f. 78G-H (f).
Neottiura herbigrada Pesarini, 2000: 382, f. 8 (m).
Neottiura herbigrada Seo, 2005a: 123, f. 2C-F (f).
Neottiura herbigrada Marusik, Kunt & Danışman, 2009: 72, f. 9-12 (f).
Neottiura herbigrada Le Peru, 2011: 457, f. 751 (mf).
Neottiura herbigrada Lecigne, 2011: 56, f. p. 62 (m).
Neottiura herbigrada Yin et al., 2012: 362, f. 150a-d (f).
Neottiura herbigrada Vanuytven, 2021: 200, f. B.199b (m).
Neottiura herbigrada Kim, 2021: 87, f. 36A-F (f).
Neottiura herbigrada Lecigne, 2021a: 34, f. 40a-b (m).
Neottiura herbigrada Bosmans & Gavalas, 2023: 77, f. 36A-D (mf).
Neottiura margarita (Yoshida, 1985) | m f | Russia (Far East), China, Korea, Japan     []
Coleosoma margaritum Yoshida, 1985a: 45, f. 1-7 (Dmf).
Coleosoma margaritum Chikuni, 1989b: 33, f. 19 (mf).
Theridion margaritum Gao, Guan & Zhu, 1993: 78, f. 19-24 (mf; N.B.: no justification for a generic T was presented).
Theridion margaritum Zhu, 1998: 177, f. 113A-F (mf).
Coleosoma margaritum Kim, 1998e: 241, f. 1-5 (mf).
Neottiura margarita Knoflach, 1999: 345 (Tmf from Coleosoma).
Theridion margaritum Song, Zhu & Chen, 1999: 138, f. 76C-D, I-J (mf).
Neottiura margarita Yoshida, 2001c: 174, f. 11, 63-65 (mf).
Coleosoma margaritum Namkung, 2002: 118, f. 13.36a-b (mf).
Neottura margarita Namkung, 2003: 120, f. 13.36a-b (mf, lapsus).
Neottiura margarita Yoshida, 2003a: 90, f. 219-221, 531 (mf).
Neottiura margarita Yoshida, 2009b: 376, f. 180-181 (mf).
Neottiura margarita Marusik, Omelko & Koponen, 2016b: 13, f. 50-53 (m).
Neottiura margarita Kim, 2021: 88, f. 37A-K, pl. 16 (mf).
Neottiura suaveolens (Simon, 1880) | m f | Europe     []
Theridion suaveolens Simon, 1880j: 256 (Dmf).
Theridion suaveolens Kulczyński, 1898: 62, pl. 1, f. 18 (f).
Theridion suaveolens Simon, 1914: 254, 295, f. 502 (mf).
Dipoena regia Drensky, 1929: 33 (spelled regia), 69 (spelled regina), pl. 3, f. 6-8 (spelled regalis) (Dm) [].
Theridion suaveolens Miller, 1947: 35, pl. IV, f. 5 (f).
Neottiura suaveolens Miller, 1971: 191, pl. 34, f. 1-2 (mf, T from Theridion).
Neottiura suaveolens Wunderlich, 1975a: 384, f. 4-7 (f).
Neottiura suaveolens Wunderlich, 1977a: 289 (S of Dipoena regia).
Neottiura suaveolens Heimer & Nentwig, 1991: 294, f. 786 (mf).
Neottiura suaveolens Esyunin & Efimik, 1995: 74, f. 4-6 (f).
Neottiura suaveolens Pozzi & Hänggi, 1998: 41, f. 21-22 (mf).
Neottiura suaveolens Knoflach, 1999: 357, f. 15-16, 40-41, 46, 51, 59, 62, 66 (mf).
Neottiura suaveolens Pesarini, 2000: 382, f. 9 (m).
Neottiura suaveolens Le Peru, 2011: 458, f. 752 (mf).
Neottiura uncinata (Lucas, 1846) | m f | Mediterranean, Georgia     []
Theridion uncinatum Lucas, 1846: 267, p. 17, f. 2 (Df).
Theridion apicatum O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1872: 281 (Df) [].
Theridium uncinatum Simon, 1873a: 111, pl. 2, f. 30 (f, Dm).
Theridion uncinatum Levy & Amitai, 1982a: 116, f. 69-75 (mf, S of Theridion apicatum).
Theridion uncinatum Levy, 1998b: 211, f. 401-407 (mf).
Neottiura uncinata Knoflach, 1999: 358, f. 19, 42-43, 48, 53, 57, 60, 63, 68 (mf, T from Theridion).
Neottiura uncinata Wunderlich, 2008b: 390, f. 532-533 (m).
Neottiura uncinata Marusik, Kunt & Danışman, 2009: 72, f. 13-14 (m).
Neottiura uncinata Le Peru, 2011: 458, f. 753 (mf).
Neottiura uncinata Vanuytven, 2021: 35, 199, f. A.21, B.197-198 (m).
Neottiura uncinata Bosmans & Gavalas, 2023: 78, f. 37A-D (mf).
Neottiura uncinata Seropian et al., 2023: 286, f. S4 (f).