Family: Theraphosidae Thorell, 1869 []
Gen. Xenesthis Simon, 1891 []
type Xenesthis colombiana Simon, 1891; gender feminine
Xenesthis avanzadora
Sherwood, Gabriel, Peñaherrera-R., Brescovit & Lucas, 2023 |
| Venezuela

Xenesthis avanzadora Sherwood et al., 2023j: 512, f. 1A-F, 2A-C, 3 (Dm).
Xenesthis colombiana
Simon, 1891 *
| Colombia

Xenesthis colombiana Simon, 1891f: 333 (Dm).
Xenesthis colombiana Gabriel & Sherwood, 2022: 16 (removed from S of Xenesthis immanis, rejecting Pocock, 1901c: 546).
Xenesthis colombiana Sherwood et al., 2023j: 513, f. 4A-B, 5A-F, 6A-C (m).
Xenesthis colombiana Gabriel & Sherwood, 2022: 16 (removed from S of Xenesthis immanis, rejecting Pocock, 1901c: 546).
Xenesthis colombiana Sherwood et al., 2023j: 513, f. 4A-B, 5A-F, 6A-C (m).
Xenesthis immanis
(Ausserer, 1875) |
| Colombia, Venezuela

Lasiodora immanis Ausserer, 1875: 194 (Df).
Xenesthis immanis Pocock, 1901c: 546 (T from Lasiodora, S of X. colombiana; S rejected by Gabriel & Sherwood, 2022: 16).
Xenesthis immanis Schiapelli & Gerschman, 1979: 298, f. 32-38 (mf).
Xenesthis immanis Smith, 1987d: 164, pl. 4, f. 90h (m).
Xenesthis immanis Smith, 1989b: 15, f. 1-3 (m).
Xenesthis immanis Pérez-Miles et al., 1996: 60, f. 51-52 (mf).
Xenesthis immanis Schmidt, 1997g: 20, f. 215-216 (mf).
Xenesthis immanis Peters, 2000b: 137, f. 407-408 (mf).
Xenesthis immanis Bertani, 2001: 337, f. 149-152 (mf).
Xenesthis immanis Piepho, 2001: 3, f. 1 (f).
Xenesthis immanis Peters, 2003: 316, f. 1261, 1265 (mf).
Xenesthis immanis Schmidt, 2003l: 138, f. 215-216 (mf).
Xenesthis immanis Sherwood et al., 2023j: 516, f. 7A-B, 8A-C, 9A-F, 10A-C (mf).
Xenesthis immanis Pocock, 1901c: 546 (T from Lasiodora, S of X. colombiana; S rejected by Gabriel & Sherwood, 2022: 16).
Xenesthis immanis Schiapelli & Gerschman, 1979: 298, f. 32-38 (mf).
Xenesthis immanis Smith, 1987d: 164, pl. 4, f. 90h (m).
Xenesthis immanis Smith, 1989b: 15, f. 1-3 (m).
Xenesthis immanis Pérez-Miles et al., 1996: 60, f. 51-52 (mf).
Xenesthis immanis Schmidt, 1997g: 20, f. 215-216 (mf).
Xenesthis immanis Peters, 2000b: 137, f. 407-408 (mf).
Xenesthis immanis Bertani, 2001: 337, f. 149-152 (mf).
Xenesthis immanis Piepho, 2001: 3, f. 1 (f).
Xenesthis immanis Peters, 2003: 316, f. 1261, 1265 (mf).
Xenesthis immanis Schmidt, 2003l: 138, f. 215-216 (mf).
Xenesthis immanis Sherwood et al., 2023j: 516, f. 7A-B, 8A-C, 9A-F, 10A-C (mf).
Xenesthis intermedia
Schiapelli & Gerschman, 1945 |
| Venezuela

Xenesthis intermedius Schiapelli & Gerschman, 1945: 188, pl. XIV (Df).
Xenesthis intermedia Sherwood et al., 2023j: 519, f. 11A-F, 12A-C, 13-15 (Dm, f).
Xenesthis intermedia Sherwood et al., 2023j: 519, f. 11A-F, 12A-C, 13-15 (Dm, f).
Xenesthis monstrosa
Pocock, 1903 |
| Colombia?

Xenesthis monstrosus Pocock, 1903b: 93 (Df).
Xenesthis monstrosa Schiapelli & Gerschman, 1979: 298, f. 39-40 (f).
Xenesthis monstrosa Schmidt, 2003l: 196, f. 558 (f).
Xenesthis monstrosa Sherwood et al., 2023j: 523, f. 16-17 (f).
Xenesthis monstrosa Schiapelli & Gerschman, 1979: 298, f. 39-40 (f).
Xenesthis monstrosa Schmidt, 2003l: 196, f. 558 (f).
Xenesthis monstrosa Sherwood et al., 2023j: 523, f. 16-17 (f).