Family: Theraphosidae Thorell, 1869 []
In synonymy:
Chilocosmia Schmidt & von Wirth, 1992 = Orphnaecus Simon, 1892 (West, Nunn & Hogg, 2012: 23, contra Raven, 2000a: 570)
Selenobrachys Schmidt, 1999 = Orphnaecus Simon, 1892 (West, Nunn & Hogg, 2012: 33)
Chilocosmia Schmidt & von Wirth, 1992 = Orphnaecus Simon, 1892 (West, Nunn & Hogg, 2012: 23, contra Raven, 2000a: 570)
Selenobrachys Schmidt, 1999 = Orphnaecus Simon, 1892 (West, Nunn & Hogg, 2012: 33)
Gen. Orphnaecus Simon, 1892 []
type Orphnaecus pellitus Simon, 1892; gender masculine
N.B.: considered a senior synonym of Chilocosmia Schmidt & von Wirth, 1992b: 9 [] (type C. dichromata Schmidt & von Wirth, 1992) (contra Raven, 2000a: 570, who considered it a junior synonym of Selenocosmia instead) and of Selenobrachys Schmidt, 1999b: 2 [] (type S. philippinus Schmidt, 1999) by West, Nunn & Hogg, 2012: 23, 33.
Orphnaecus adamsoni
Salamanes, Santos, Austria & Villancio, 2022 |
| Philippines

Orphnaecus adamsoni Salamanes et al., 2022: 4284, f. 1A-G, 2A-H (Dmf).
Orphnaecus dichromatus
(Schmidt & von Wirth, 1992) |
| Indonesia (New Guinea)

Chilocosmia dichromata Schmidt & von Wirth, 1992b: 10, pl. I, f. 1-7 (Df).
Chilocosmia dichromata Schmidt, 1993d: 128, f. 401 (f).
Chilocosmia dichromata Schmidt, 2003l: 237, f. 760 (f).
Selenocosmia dichromata Peters, 2005b: 104, f. 328-331 (f).
Orphnaecus dichromata West, Nunn & Hogg, 2012: 23 (T from Chilocosmia).
Chilocosmia dichromata Schmidt, 1993d: 128, f. 401 (f).
Chilocosmia dichromata Schmidt, 2003l: 237, f. 760 (f).
Selenocosmia dichromata Peters, 2005b: 104, f. 328-331 (f).
Orphnaecus dichromata West, Nunn & Hogg, 2012: 23 (T from Chilocosmia).
Orphnaecus kwebaburdeos
(Barrion-Dupo, Barrion & Rasalan, 2015) |
| Philippines

Phlogiellus kwebaburdeos Barrion-Dupo, Barrion & Rasalan, 2015: 4, f. 1A-G, 2A-P (Dmf).
Orphnaecus kwebaburdeos Nunn, West & von Wirth, 2016: 48 (T from Phlogiellus).
Orphnaecus kwebaburdeos Nunn, West & von Wirth, 2016: 48 (T from Phlogiellus).
Orphnaecus pellitus
Simon, 1892 *
| Philippines

Orphnaecus pellitus Simon, 1892c: 36 (Dmf).
Orphnaecus pellitus Simon, 1903a: 956, f. 1106-1107.
Orphnaecus pellitus West, Nunn & Hogg, 2012: 25, f. 35a-c (mf).
Orphnaecus pellitus Simon, 1903a: 956, f. 1106-1107.
Orphnaecus pellitus West, Nunn & Hogg, 2012: 25, f. 35a-c (mf).
Orphnaecus philippinus
(Schmidt, 1999) |
| Philippines

Selenobrachys philippinus Schmidt, 1999b: 4, f. 1-5 (Df).
Selenobrachys philippinus Schmidt, 2003l: 241, f. 778 (f).
Orphnaecus philippinus West, Nunn & Hogg, 2012: 25, f. 36 (f, T from Selenobrachys).
Selenobrachys philippinus Schmidt, 2003l: 241, f. 778 (f).
Orphnaecus philippinus West, Nunn & Hogg, 2012: 25, f. 36 (f, T from Selenobrachys).