Family: Araneidae Clerck, 1757 []
Gen. Heterognatha Nicolet, 1849 []
type Heterognatha chilensis Nicolet, 1849; gender feminine
N.B.: implicitly revalidated by Levi, 1991a: 177-180, after Archer, 1963; Levi's (1991) suggestion that this genus may belong to the Mimetidae was rejected by Platnick & Shadab, 1993: 9; possibly a close relative of Testudinaria Taczanowski, 1879.
In synonymy:
Heterognatha collusor (Petrunkevitch, 1911, T from Araneus) = Heterognatha chilensis Nicolet, 1849 (Archer, 1963: 22).
Heterognatha collusor (Petrunkevitch, 1911, T from Araneus) = Heterognatha chilensis Nicolet, 1849 (Archer, 1963: 22).
Heterognatha chilensis
Nicolet, 1849 *
| Chile

Heterognatha chilensis Nicolet, 1849: 470, pl. 5, f. 3 (Df; preoccupied by Nicolet, 1849 sub Epeira but not congeneric with that species).
Heterognatha margaritacea Nicolet, 1849: 471 (Df).
Araneus collusor Petrunkevitch, 1911: 285 (replacement name) [].
Araneus margaritaceus Petrunkevitch, 1911: 301.
Heterognatha chilensis Archer, 1963: 22 (T from Araneus, S of Araneus collusor).
Heterognatha margaritacea Levi, 1991a: 180.
Heterognatha chilensis Levi, 2005b: 186, f. 1-12 (f, Dm).
Heterognatha margaritacea Nicolet, 1849: 471 (Df).
Araneus collusor Petrunkevitch, 1911: 285 (replacement name) [].
Araneus margaritaceus Petrunkevitch, 1911: 301.
Heterognatha chilensis Archer, 1963: 22 (T from Araneus, S of Araneus collusor).
Heterognatha margaritacea Levi, 1991a: 180.
Heterognatha chilensis Levi, 2005b: 186, f. 1-12 (f, Dm).