Family: Pacullidae Simon, 1894 []
Gen. Lamania Lehtinen, 1981 []
type Lamania nirmala Lehtinen, 1981; gender feminine
N.B.: transferred from the Tetrablemmidae (Pacullinae) to the Pacullidae by Wheeler et al., 2017: 608.
Lamania bernhardi
(Deeleman-Reinhold, 1980) |
| Borneo

Paculla bernhardi Deeleman-Reinhold, 1980: 68, f. 1-6 (Dmf).
Lamania bernhardi Lehtinen, 1981: 20, f. 18, 23 (Tmf from Paculla).
Lamania bernhardi Lehtinen, 1981: 20, f. 18, 23 (Tmf from Paculla).
Lamania bokor
Schwendinger & Košulič, 2015 |
| Cambodia

Lamania bokor Schwendinger & Košulič, 2015: 428, f. 4A-H, 5A-F (Dmf).
Lamania gracilis
Schwendinger, 1989 |
| Bali

Lamania gracilis Schwendinger, 1989b: 573, f. 1-5, 22-23 (Dm).
Lamania inornata
(Deeleman-Reinhold, 1980) |
| Borneo

Paculla inornata Deeleman-Reinhold, 1980: 71, f. 7-9 (Dmf).
Lamania inornata Lehtinen, 1981: 21 (Tmf from Paculla).
Lamania inornata Lehtinen, 1981: 21 (Tmf from Paculla).
Lamania kraui
(Shear, 1978) |
| Thailand, Malaysia

Paculla kraui Shear, 1978: 41, f. 112-120 (Dmf).
Paculla kraui Bourne, 1980c: 258, f. 26 (m).
Lamania kraui Lehtinen, 1981: 21 (Tmf from Paculla).
Lamania kraui Schwendinger & Košulič, 2015: 430, f. 6A-H, 7A-E, 8A, C-E, J (mf).
Paculla kraui Bourne, 1980c: 258, f. 26 (m).
Lamania kraui Lehtinen, 1981: 21 (Tmf from Paculla).
Lamania kraui Schwendinger & Košulič, 2015: 430, f. 6A-H, 7A-E, 8A, C-E, J (mf).
Lamania lipsae
Dierkens, 2011 |
| Borneo

Lamania lipsae Dierkens, 2011c: 94, f. 1-12 (Dmf).
Lamania nirmala
Lehtinen, 1981 *
| Borneo

Lamania nirmala Lehtinen, 1981: 20, f. 19-21 (Dmf).
Lamania sheari
(Brignoli, 1980) |
| Indonesia (Sulawesi)

Paculla sheari Brignoli, 1980d: 162, f. 1-3 (Dm).
Lamania sheari Lehtinen, 1981: 21 (Tm from Paculla).
Lamania sheari Lehtinen, 1981: 21 (Tm from Paculla).