Family: Physoglenidae Petrunkevitch, 1928 []
Gen. Physoglenes Simon, 1904 []
type Physoglenes vivesi Simon, 1904; gender masculine
N.B.: described in the Leptonetidae, listed under Pholcidae by Petrunkevitch, 1928: 112, transferred from the Pholcidae to the Synotaxidae by Forster, Platnick & Coddington, 1990: 7 and to the Physoglenidae by Dimitrov et al., 2017: 242.
Physoglenes chepu
Platnick, 1990 |
| Chile

Physoglenes chepu Platnick, in Forster, Platnick & Coddington, 1990: 10, f. 27-30 (Df).
Physoglenes lagos
Platnick, 1990 |
| Chile

Physoglenes lagos Platnick, in Forster, Platnick & Coddington, 1990: 9, f. 20-26 (Dmf).
Physoglenes puyehue
Platnick, 1990 |
| Chile

Physoglenes puyehue Platnick, in Forster, Platnick & Coddington, 1990: 8, f. 1-19 (Dmf).
Physoglenes vivesi
Simon, 1904 *
| Chile

Physoglenes vivesi Simon, 1904e: 88, f. 1-2 (Dm).