Family: Araneidae Clerck, 1757 [] Detail
Gen. Backobourkia Framenau, Dupérré, Blackledge & Vink, 2010 [] Detail
type Epeira heroine L. Koch, 1871; gender feminine
In synonymy:
Backobourkia annulata (Keyserling, 1886) = Backobourkia heroine (L. Koch, 1871) (Dondale, 1966: 1168, sub Araneus).
Backobourkia brouni indistincta (Urquhart, 1885, T from Epeira) = Backobourkia brouni (Urquhart, 1885) (Dalmas, 1917a: 384, sub Araneus).
Backobourkia reversa (Hogg, 1914, T from Araneus) = Backobourkia collina (Keyserling, 1886) (Framenau et al., 2010: 99).
Backobourkia ventricosella (Roewer, 1942, T from Araneus) = Backobourkia heroine (L. Koch, 1871) (Paquin et al., 2008d: 4, sub Eriophora).
Backobourkia ventriosa (Urquhart, 1892, T from Araneus) = Backobourkia heroine (L. Koch, 1871) (Paquin et al., 2008d: 4, sub Eriophora).
Nomen dubium:
Backobourkia felina (Butler, 1876a: 351, pl. 10, f. 1-2, f, Australia/Queensland, originally in Epeira) -- Framenau et al., 2010: 95.
Backobourkia brouni (Urquhart, 1885) | m f | Australia, New Zealand     []
Epeira brounii Urquhart, 1885: 32, pl. 10, f. 5a, c (Df; m f. 5b, d see Socca pustulosa).
Epeira brounii indistincta Urquhart, 1885: 33 (D; preoccupied by Doleschall, 1859, see Araneus indistinctus) [].
Epeira heroine Keyserling, 1886a: 138, f. 3-3a (f; misidentified per Framenau et al., 2010: 92).
Araneus brouni Dalmas, 1917a: 383, f. 47-48, 50 (mf, S of Epeira orientalis [revalidated by Court & Forster, 1988: 98, sub Neoscona] and E. brouni indistincta).
Epeira brouni Bryant, 1933b: 25 (S of Epeira trinotata, revalidated by Court & Forster, 1988: 72, sub Zealaranea).
Araneus heroine Dondale, 1966: 1166, f. 2A-C (mf; misidentified per Framenau et al., 2010: 96).
Araneus heroine Gibbs, 1982: 4, f. 1 (f; misidentified per Framenau et al., 2010: 96).
Eriophora heroine Court & Forster, 1988: 100, f. 352, 504-506, 508-513 (mf; misidentified per Framenau et al., 2010: 96).
Backobourkia brounii Framenau et al., 2010: 96, f. 1A-B, 5C-D, 10A-G (mf, removed from S of Eriophora heroine, rejecting Court & Forster, 1988: 100).
Backobourkia brounii Paquin, Vink & Dupérré, 2010: 48, f. 25.7-8 (mf).
Backobourkia collina (Keyserling, 1886) | m f | Australia     []
Epeira transmarina L. Koch, 1871: 59 (f; in part misidentified per Framenau et al., 2010: 99).
Epeira collina Keyserling, 1886a: 141, pl. 11, f. 5 (Df).
Araneus reversus Hogg, 1914b: 77, pl. 1, f. 5 (Df) [].
Eriophora collina Archer, 1951a: 21 (T from Araneus).
Backobourkia collina Framenau et al., 2010: 99, f. 5E-F, 12A-G (Dm, f, T from Eriophora, S of Araneus reversus).
Backobourkia heroine (L. Koch, 1871) * | m f | Australia (mainland, Norfolk Is.), New Caledonia, possibly New Zealand     []
Epeira heroine L. Koch, 1871: 51, pl. 4, f. 2 (Df).
Epeira transmarina L. Koch, 1871: 59, pl. 5, f. 2-2a (f; misidentified per Keyserling, 1886a: 141).
Epeira heroine Keyserling, 1886a: 138 (Dm; f pl. 11, f. 3-3a see Backobourkia brouni).
Epeira annulata Keyserling, 1886a: 141 (Df) [].
Epeira ventriosa Urquhart, 1892b: 243 (Df; preoccupied by Epeira ventriosa Urquhart, 1891 [see Araneus ventriosus], not by Epeira ventricosa L. Koch, 1878 [see Araneus ventricosus]) [].
Aranea ventricosella Roewer, 1942a: 835 (replacement name for "Epeira ventricosa Urquhart" which is just a lapsus, but since the intended Urquhart name is actually preoccupied, Roewer's replacement name can be used) [].
Araneus heroine Dondale, 1966: 1166, f. 2A-C (mf, S of Araneus annulatus; some specimens may belong to B. brouni).
Araneus heroine Hickman, 1967: 65, f. 115-117 (mf; some specimens may belong to B. brouni).
Eriophora heroine Court & Forster, 1988: 100 (T from Araneus, S of Araneus brouni [revalidated by Framenau et al., 2010: 96]; mf f. 352, 504-506, 508-513 see Backobourkia brouni).
Eriophora heroine Paquin et al., 2008d: 4 (S of Araneus ventricosellus and A. ventriosus Urquhart; both may be S of B. brouni).
Backobourkia heroine Framenau et al., 2010: 92, f. 1C-E, 4A-D, 5A-B, 6A-K, 7A-C, 8A-C (mf, T from Eriophora).
Backobourkia thyridota (Thorell, 1870) | m | Australia (Queensland)     []
Epeira thyridota Thorell, 1870c: 367 (Dm, jf).
Epeira thyridota L. Koch, 1871: 52, pl. 4, f. 3, pl. 7, f. 1 (m, jf).
Backobourkia thyridota Framenau et al., 2021b: 304 (T from Eriophora, removed from S of Eriophora transmarina, rejecting Dondale, 1966: 1164; probably senior S of Backobourkia brouni or B. heroine).