Family: Anamidae Simon, 1889 []
Gen. Teyloides Main, 1985 []
type Teyloides bakeri Main, 1985; gender masculine
N.B.: transferred from the Dipluridae to the Nemesiidae by Platnick, 1989b: 91, because of its stated affinity with Teyl Main, 1975, and to the Anamidae by Opatova et al., 2020: 701 ("but see Bond et al., 2012b and Hedin & Bond, 2006 — may be able to place elsewhere — Harvey et al., 2018").
Teyloides bakeri
Main, 1985 *
| Australia (South Australia)

Teyloides bakeri Main, 1985d: 748, f. 4-14, 34-35 (Dmf).
Teyloides bakeri Harvey et al., 2018: 435, f. 8a-g (mf).
Teyloides bakeri Harvey et al., 2018: 435, f. 8a-g (mf).