Family: Anapidae Simon, 1895 []
Gen. Pua Forster, 1959 []
type Pua novaezealandiae Forster, 1959; gender feminine
N.B.: transferred from the Symphytognathidae to the Micropholcommatidae by Forster & Platnick, 1977: 2 and synonym of the family Micropholcommatidae with the Anapidae by Lopardo, Giribet & Hormiga, 2011: 316.
Pua novaezealandiae
Forster, 1959 *
| New Zealand

Pua novaezealandiae Forster, 1959: 299, f. 70-77, 138 (Dmf).
Pua novaezealandiae Rix & Harvey, 2010a: 29, f. 7B, 11F, 12B, 15F, 23C-D, 24A-D, 25A-B, 26A-F, 27A-F, 28A-D, 29A-F (mf).
Pua novaezealandiae Rix & Harvey, 2010a: 29, f. 7B, 11F, 12B, 15F, 23C-D, 24A-D, 25A-B, 26A-F, 27A-F, 28A-D, 29A-F (mf).