Family: Anapidae Simon, 1895 []
Gen. Patelliella Rix & Harvey, 2010 []
type Patelliella adusta Rix & Harvey, 2010; gender feminine
N.B.: transfer of the family Micropholcommatidae to the Anapidae by Lopardo, Giribet & Hormiga, 2011: 316.
Patelliella adusta
Rix & Harvey, 2010 *
| Australia (Lord Howe Is.)

Patelliella adusta Rix & Harvey, 2010a: 78, f. 7N, 143A-D, 144A-B, 145A-B, 146A-B, 147A-F, 148A-F, 149A-F, 150A-H, 151A-F (Dmf).