Family: Linyphiidae Blackwall, 1859 []
Gen. Troxochrota Kulczyński, 1894 []
type Troxochrota scabra Kulczyński, 1894; gender feminine
In synonymy:
Troxochrota pectinata (Tullgren, 1955, T from Ceratinops) = Troxochrota scabra Kulczyński, 1894 (Lehtinen, Koponen & Saaristo, 1979: 45).
Troxochrota pectinata (Tullgren, 1955, T from Ceratinops) = Troxochrota scabra Kulczyński, 1894 (Lehtinen, Koponen & Saaristo, 1979: 45).
Troxochrota kashmirica
(Caporiacco, 1935) |
| Kashmir

Troxochrus kashmirica Caporiacco, 1935b: 179, pl. 1, f. 20 (Dmf).
Troxochrota kashmirica Roewer, 1942a: 688.
Troxochrota kashmirica Roewer, 1942a: 688.
Troxochrota scabra
Kulczyński, 1894 *
| Switzerland, Germany, Romania, Scandinavia, Estonia, Russia (Europe)

Troxochrota scabra Kulczyński, in Chyzer & Kulczyński, 1894: 125, pl. 4, f. 49, pl. 5, f. 5 (Dmf).
Cnephalocotes pectinatus Tullgren, 1955: 311, f. 16a-f (Dmf).
Ceratinops pectinata Kleemola, 1963: 36 (T from Cnephalocotes).
Ceratinops pectinata Palmgren, 1976: 46, f. 17.4-7 (mf).
Ceratinops pectinata Millidge, 1977: 15, f. 46 (m) ('seems to be a synonym of Troxochrota scabra').
Troxochrota scabra Lehtinen, Koponen & Saaristo, 1979: 45 (S of Ceratinops pectinatus).
Troxochrota scabra Höfer et al., 2019: 70, f. 18a-c (m).
Cnephalocotes pectinatus Tullgren, 1955: 311, f. 16a-f (Dmf).
Ceratinops pectinata Kleemola, 1963: 36 (T from Cnephalocotes).
Ceratinops pectinata Palmgren, 1976: 46, f. 17.4-7 (mf).
Ceratinops pectinata Millidge, 1977: 15, f. 46 (m) ('seems to be a synonym of Troxochrota scabra').
Troxochrota scabra Lehtinen, Koponen & Saaristo, 1979: 45 (S of Ceratinops pectinatus).
Troxochrota scabra Höfer et al., 2019: 70, f. 18a-c (m).