Family: Linyphiidae Blackwall, 1859 []
Gen. Scandichrestus Wunderlich, 1995 []
type Typhochrestus tenuis Holm, 1943; gender masculine
Scandichrestus tenuis
(Holm, 1943) *
| Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Russia (Europe to South Siberia)

Rhaebothorax pallidus Holm, 1939b: 30, f. 14a (Df, preoccupied in Typhochrestus by Emerton, 1882).
Typhochrestus pallidus Holm, 1943: 20, f. 6e-h, pl. II, f. 17-19 (Tf from Rhaebothorax=Mecynargus, Dm).
Typhochrestus tenuis Holm, 1943: 20, footnote (replacement name; as Simon's (1884: 589) transfer of Lophocarenum pallidum Emerton, 1882 to T. was not accepted by Emerton or other authors, the need for a new name could be questioned, per Brignoli, 1983c: 363).
Typhocrestus tenuis Palmgren, 1976: 110, f. 23.18-20 (mf).
Scandichrestus tenuis Wunderlich, 1995s: 649, f. 26-29 (Tmf from Typhochrestus).
Typhochrestus pallidus Holm, 1943: 20, f. 6e-h, pl. II, f. 17-19 (Tf from Rhaebothorax=Mecynargus, Dm).
Typhochrestus tenuis Holm, 1943: 20, footnote (replacement name; as Simon's (1884: 589) transfer of Lophocarenum pallidum Emerton, 1882 to T. was not accepted by Emerton or other authors, the need for a new name could be questioned, per Brignoli, 1983c: 363).
Typhocrestus tenuis Palmgren, 1976: 110, f. 23.18-20 (mf).
Scandichrestus tenuis Wunderlich, 1995s: 649, f. 26-29 (Tmf from Typhochrestus).