Family: Hexathelidae Simon, 1892 []
Gen. Mediothele Raven & Platnick, 1978 []
type Mediothele australis Raven & Platnick, 1978; gender feminine
N.B.: transferred here from the Dipluridae to the Hexathelidae by Raven, 1985a: 71.
Mediothele anae
Ríos-Tamayo & Goloboff, 2012 |
| Chile

Mediothele anae Ríos-Tamayo & Goloboff, 2012: 47, f. 53-58 (Df).
Mediothele australis
Raven & Platnick, 1978 *
| Chile

Mediothele australis Raven & Platnick, 1978: 74, f. 1-7 (Dm).
Mediothele australis Ríos-Tamayo & Goloboff, 2012: 41, f. 25-32 (Df).
Mediothele australis Ríos-Tamayo & Goloboff, 2012: 41, f. 25-32 (Df).
Mediothele lagos
Ríos-Tamayo & Goloboff, 2012 |
| Chile

Mediothele lagos Ríos-Tamayo & Goloboff, 2012: 47, f. 59-64 (Df).
Mediothele linares
Ríos-Tamayo & Goloboff, 2012 |
| Chile

Mediothele linares Ríos-Tamayo & Goloboff, 2012: 44, f. 39-46 (Df).
Mediothele minima
Ríos-Tamayo & Goloboff, 2012 |
| Chile

Mediothele minima Ríos-Tamayo & Goloboff, 2012: 42, f. 33-38 (Df).
Mediothele nahuelbuta
Ríos-Tamayo & Goloboff, 2012 |
| Chile

Mediothele nahuelbuta Ríos-Tamayo & Goloboff, 2012: 45, f. 47-52 (Df).