Family: Sicariidae Keyserling, 1880 []
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N.B.: Considered a senior synonym of Loxoscelidae Simon, 1893a: 271 (as a subfamily). Loxoscelidae was raised to familiar status by Gertsch, 1949: 234, downgraded to subfamily by Gertsch, 1967a: 130, again elevated to family by Alayón, 1981a (incl. Drymusa) and Gertsch & Ennik, 1983: 277. The recent subfamiliar status was set by Platnick et al., 1991: 71. Re-separation of Loxoscelidae by Wunderlich, 2004b: 703 and Murphy & Roberts, 2015: viii not sufficiently justified and is not accepted here.
Status: accepted
Last updated: 2025-03-07
Described in
Keyserling, 1880: 267
Number of valid genera: 3
Number of valid species: 176

Keyserling, E. (1880). Die Spinnen Amerikas. Laterigradae. Bauer & Raspe, Nürnberg, 283 pp., pl. 1-8. doi:10.5962/bhl.title.64832 download pdf

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