Family: Euagridae Raven, 1979 [] Detail
N.B.: described as the tribe Evagrini [sic] by Raven, 1979: 635, elevated to the subfamily Euagrinae by Raven, 1985a: 78 and elevated to family level by Opatova et al., 2020: 697, containing two subfamilies: Euagrinae (with the genera Euagrus, Caledothele, Chilehexops, Leptothele, Phyxioschema and Vilchura) and Australothelinae Bond, Opatova & Hedin, 2020 (in Opatova et al., 2020: 698) (new subfamily, with the genera Australothele, Allothele, Carrai, Cethegus, Namirea and Stenygrocercus); the family is not monophyletic per Kulkarni, Wood & Hormiga, 2023: 487, f. 5.
In synonymy:
Afghanothele Roewer, 1960 = Phyxioschema Simon, 1889 (Raven, 1985a: 148)
Palaevagrus Simon, 1908 = Cethegus Thorell, 1881 (Main, 1960: 30)
Gen. Allothele Tucker, 1920 [] Detail
type Euagrus caffer Pocock, 1902; gender feminine
N.B.: transferred from the Dipluridae to the Euagridae (Australothelinae) by Opatova et al., 2020: 698; removed from the synonymy of Euagrus by Coyle, 1984: 4, contra Benoit, 1964e: 418.
Allothele australis (Purcell, 1903) | m f | South Africa     []
Thelechoris australis Purcell, 1903b: 106 (Df).
Thelechoris australis Tucker, 1917: 120, f. 9 (f, Dm).
Evagrus caffer australis Hewitt, 1919b: 95, f. 10a-b (mf).
Allothele australis Coyle, 1984: 8, f. 16-20 (mf; removed from S of A. caffer, contra Benoit, 1964e: 419).
Allothele australis Dippenaar-Schoeman, 2002: 54, f. 30f, 31a (mf).
Allothele australis Dippenaar-Schoeman et al., 2022i: 5, 3 f. (mf).
Allothele caffer (Pocock, 1902) * | m f | South Africa     []
Euagrus caffer Pocock, 1902b: 318 (Dmf).
Euagrus caffer Hewitt, 1915d: 132, f. 11 (mf).
Allothele caffer Tucker, 1920: 442, 486.
Allothele cafer Bonnet, 1955: 231 (invalid emendation).
Allothele caffer Coyle, 1984: 12, f. 21-30 (Tmf from Euagrus).
Allothele caffer Dippenaar-Schoeman, 2002: 54, f. 30d-e, 31b (mf).
Allothele caffer Dippenaar-Schoeman et al., 2022i: 6, 6 f. (mf).
Allothele malawi Coyle, 1984 | m f | Malawi, South Africa     []
Euagrus caffer Raven, 1983a: 348, f. 8-11, pl. I, f. 3-4 (m).
Allothele malawi Coyle, 1984: 14, f. 4-5, 9-10, 12-13, 31-43 (Dmf).
Allothele malawi Dippenaar-Schoeman, 2002: 54, f. 30g-h, 31c (mf).
Allothele malawi Dippenaar-Schoeman et al., 2022i: 7, p. 4: 1 f., p. 7: 6 f. (mf).
Allothele regnardi (Benoit, 1964) | m f | Congo, Angola     []
Euagrus regnardi Benoit, 1964e: 420, f. 1 (Dm).
Allothele regnardi Coyle, 1984: 15, f. 44-53 (Tmf from Euagrus).
Allothele teretis Tucker, 1920 | m f | South Africa     []
Allothele teretis Tucker, 1920: 442, pl. 28, f. 1 (Dmf).
Allothele teretis Coyle, 1984: 17, f. 2-3, 6-8, 11, 14-15, 54-74 (Tmf from Euagrus).
Allothele teretis Dippenaar-Schoeman, 2002: 54, f. 30b-c, 31d-e (mf).
Allothele teretis Dippenaar-Schoeman et al., 2022i: 8, p 3.: 3 f., p. 8: 6 f. (mf).
Gen. Australothele Raven, 1984 [] Detail
type Australothele maculata Raven, 1984; gender feminine
N.B.: transferred from Dipluridae to Euagridae (Australothelinae) by Opatova et al., 2020: 698.
Australothele bicuspidata Raven, 1984 | f | Australia (New South Wales)     []
Australothele bicuspidata Raven, 1984a: 10, f. 14, 47, 62, 94 (Df).
Australothele jamiesoni Raven, 1984 | m f | Australia (Queensland, New South Wales)     []
Australothele jamiesoni Raven, 1984a: 11, f. 1-2, 7, 33-34, 44, 46, 53, 59, 69, 74-75, 81-91 (Dmf).
Australothele maculata Raven, 1984 * | m f | Australia (Queensland)     []
Australothele maculata Raven, 1984a: 7, f. 13, 42, 45, 54, 58, 64, 70, 79-80, 95-97, 110-111 (Dmf).
Australothele magna Raven, 1984 | m f | Australia (Queensland)     []
Australothele magna Raven, 1984a: 15, f. 3, 8, 15, 43, 50, 55, 57, 67, 72, 78, 101-105 (Dmf).
Australothele montana Raven, 1984 | f | Australia (New South Wales)     []
Australothele montana Raven, 1984a: 17, f. 16, 49, 61, 98-100 (Df).
Australothele nambucca Raven, 1984 | m f | Australia (New South Wales)     []
Australothele nambucca Raven, 1984a: 19, f. 17, 51-52, 60, 68, 73, 77, 106-107 (Dmf).
Australothele nothofagi Raven, 1984 | m f | Australia (Queensland, New South Wales)     []
Australothele nothofagi Raven, 1984a: 21, f. 18, 41, 48, 56, 63, 65-66, 71, 76, 92-93, 109, 112 (Dmf).
Gen. Caledothele Raven, 1991 [] Detail
type Stenygrocercus australiensis Raven, 1984; gender feminine
N.B.: transferred from Dipluridae to Euagridae by Opatova et al., 2020: 697.
Caledothele annulatus (Raven, 1981) | m f | New Caledonia, Loyalty Is.     []
Stenygrocercus silvicola Berland, 1924a: 174, f. 9-10 (mf, misidentified).
Stenygrocercus annulata Raven, 1981a: 229, f. 12-18 (Dmf).
Caledothele annulatus Raven, 1991: 104 (Tmf from Stenygrocercus).
Caledothele aoupinie Raven, 1991 | f | New Caledonia     []
Caledothele aoupinie Raven, 1991: 105, f. 40, 45, 56-57 (Df).
Caledothele australiensis (Raven, 1984) * | m f | Australia (Victoria)     []
Stenygrocercus australiensis Raven, 1984a: 63, f. 6, 12, 30, 32, 215-224 (Dmf).
Caledothele australiensis Raven, 1991: 104 (Tmf from Stenygrocercus).
Caledothele carina Raven, 1991 | f | New Caledonia     []
Caledothele carina Raven, 1991: 106, f. 44, 54-55 (Df).
Caledothele elegans Raven, 1991 | f | New Caledonia     []
Caledothele elegans Raven, 1991: 107, f. 42, 46-53 (Df).
Caledothele tonta Raven, 1991 | f | New Caledonia     []
Caledothele tonta Raven, 1991: 109, f. 32-33, 41 (Df).
Caledothele tristata Raven, 1991 | f | New Caledonia     []
Caledothele tristata Raven, 1991: 111, f. 43, 58-59 (Df).
Gen. Carrai Raven, 1984 [] Detail
type Carrai afoveolata Raven, 1984; gender feminine
N.B.: transferred from Dipluridae to Euagridae (Australothelinae) by Opatova et al., 2020: 698.
Carrai afoveolata Raven, 1984 * | m f | Australia (New South Wales)     []
Carrai afoveolata Raven, 1984a: 25, f. 4, 9, 19, 113-121 (Dmf).
Gen. Cethegus Thorell, 1881 [] Detail
type Cethegus lugubris Thorell, 1881; gender masculine
N.B.: transferred from Dipluridae to Euagridae (Australothelinae) by Opatova et al., 2020: 698; considered a senior synonym of Palaevagrus Simon, 1908d: 365 [] (type P. fugax Simon, 1908) by Main, 1960: 30; not a senior synonym of Stenygrocercus Simon, 1892 (Raven, 1981a: 228, contra Main, 1960: 30).
Cethegus barraba Raven, 1984 | f | Australia (New South Wales)     []
Cethegus barraba Raven, 1984a: 31, f. 25, 129, 148, 170 (Df).
Cethegus broomi (Hogg, 1901) | m f | Australia (New South Wales)     []
Stenygrocercus broomi Hogg, 1901: 270, f. 38 (Df).
Cethegus broomi Raven, 1984a: 32, f. 20, 124, 137, 143, 146, 156, 167, 171 (Tf from Stenygrocercus, Dm).
Cethegus colemani Raven, 1984 | m f | Australia (Queensland)     []
Cethegus colemani Raven, 1984a: 35, f. 127, 139-140, 149, 159, 166 (Dmf).
Cethegus daemeli Raven, 1984 | m f | Australia (Queensland)     []
Cethegus daemeli Raven, 1984a: 37, f. 24, 128, 133, 144, 153, 160, 163-164 (Dmf).
Cethegus elegans Raven, 1984 | m f | Australia (Queensland)     []
Cethegus elegans Raven, 1984a: 40, f. 26, 125, 130, 141, 147, 157, 172-173 (Dmf).
Cethegus fugax (Simon, 1908) | m f | Australia (Western Australia, South Australia)     []
Palaevagrus fugax Simon, 1908d: 365 (Df).
Cethegus fugax Main, 1960: 31, f. 1, 2A-F (Dm).
Cethegus fugax Raven, 1984a: 42, f. 21, 126, 131, 142, 155, 158, 165, 168-169, 174 (mf).
Cethegus hanni Raven, 1984 | f | Australia (Queensland)     []
Cethegus hanni Raven, 1984a: 45, f. 134, 150, 178 (Df).
Cethegus ischnotheloides Raven, 1985 | m | Australia (South Australia)     []
Cethegus ischnotheloides Raven, 1985c: 15, f. 1-4 (Dm).
Cethegus lugubris Thorell, 1881 * | f | Australia (Queensland)     []
Cethegus lugubris Thorell, 1881: 241 (Df).
Cethegus lugubris Raven, 1984a: 29, f. 10, 22, 136, 145, 161-162 (f).
Cethegus multispinosus Raven, 1984 | f | Australia (Queensland)     []
Cethegus multispinosus Raven, 1984a: 46, f. 132, 151, 177 (Df).
Cethegus pallipes Raven, 1984 | f | Australia (Queensland)     []
Cethegus pallipes Raven, 1984a: 48, f. 23, 135, 154, 182-183 (Df).
Cethegus robustus Raven, 1984 | f | Australia (Queensland)     []
Cethegus robustus Raven, 1984a: 50, f. 27, 138, 152, 175-176, 179-181 (Df).
Gen. Chilehexops Coyle, 1986 [] Detail
type Chilehexops platnicki Coyle, 1986; gender masculine
N.B.: transferred from Dipluridae to Euagridae by Opatova et al., 2020: 697.
Chilehexops australis (Mello-Leitão, 1939) | m f | Chile     []
Accola australis Mello-Leitão, 1939e: 43, f. 1 (Df).
Masteria australis Legendre & Calderón, 1984: 1055, pl. XVIII, f. 1-9 (f).
"Euagrus" australis Raven, 1985a: 160 (Tf from Masteria).
Chilehexops australis Coyle, 1986: 9, f. 6, 8, 12, 18, 25-27, 30-34 (Tf from "Euagrus", Dm).
Chilehexops misionensis Goloboff, 1989 | m f | Argentina     []
Chilehexops misionensis Goloboff, 1989b: 78, f. 1-17 (Dmf).
Chilehexops platnicki Coyle, 1986 * | m f | Chile     []
Chilehexops platnicki Coyle, 1986: 7, f. 1, 3-5, 7, 9-11, 13-17, 19-24, 28-29 (Dmf).
Gen. Chinothele Yu, S. Y. Zhang & F. Zhang, 2021 [] Detail
type Chinothele jixiang Yu, S. Y. Zhang & F. Zhang, 2021; gender neuter
Chinothele jixiang Yu, S. Y. Zhang & F. Zhang, 2021 * | m f | China     []
Chinothele jixiang Yu, Zhang & Zhang, 2021a: 28, f. 1A-G, 2A-J, 3A-D (Dmf).
Gen. Euagrus Ausserer, 1875 [] Detail
type Euagrus mexicanus Ausserer, 1875; gender masculine
N.B.: transferred from Dipluridae to Euagridae by Opatova et al., 2020: 697; Evagrus is an unjustified emendation (Simon, 1891f: 320, Simon, 1892a: 185), see Coyle, 1988: 213; not a senior synonym of Allothele Tucker, 1920 (Coyle, 1984: 4, contra Benoit, 1964e: 418).
Transferred to other genera:
Euagrus australis (Mello-Leitão, 1939) -- see Chilehexops
Euagrus caffer Pocock, 1902 -- see Allothele
Euagrus regnardi Benoit, 1964 -- see Allothele
Euagrus teretis (Tucker, 1920) -- see Allothele
In synonymy:
Euagrus apacheus Gertsch & Mulaik, 1940 = Euagrus chisoseus Gertsch, 1939 (Coyle, 1988: 267).
Euagrus empiricus Chamberlin, 1924 = Euagrus josephus Chamberlin, 1924 (Coyle, 1988: 227).
Euagrus pragmaticus Chamberlin, 1924 = Euagrus rubrigularis Simon, 1890 (Coyle, 1988: 232).
Euagrus ravenus Gertsch & Mulaik, 1940 = Euagrus chisoseus Gertsch, 1939 (Coyle, 1988: 267).
Euagrus ritaensis Chamberlin & Ivie, 1945 = Euagrus chisoseus Gertsch, 1939 (Coyle, 1988: 267).
Euagrus scepticus Chamberlin, 1924 = Euagrus josephus Chamberlin, 1924 (Coyle, 1988: 227).
Euagrus anops Gertsch, 1973 | f | Mexico     []
Euagrus anops Gertsch, 1973a: 145, f. 4 (Df).
Euagrus anops Gertsch, 1982a: 83, f. 5 (f).
Euagrus anops Coyle, 1988: 258, f. 191 (f).
Euagrus atropurpureus Purcell, 1903 | f | South Africa     []
Euagrus atropurpureus Purcell, 1903b: 106 (Df).
Euagrus atropurpureus Coyle, 1984: 7 (misplaced, belongs neither to Euagrus nor to Allothele).
Euagrus carlos Coyle, 1988 | m f | Mexico to Costa Rica     []
Euagrus carlos Coyle, 1988: 260, f. 35-36, 45, 48, 194-206 (Dmf).
Euagrus cavernicola Gertsch, 1971 | j | Mexico     []
Euagrus cavernicola Gertsch, 1971: 48 (Dj).
Euagrus charcus Coyle, 1988 | m f | Mexico     []
Euagrus charcus Coyle, 1988: 264, f. 207-222 (Dmf).
Euagrus chisoseus Gertsch, 1939 | m f | USA, Mexico     []
Euagrus chisoseus Gertsch, 1939c: 21 (Dmf).
Euagrus ravenus Gertsch & Mulaik, 1940: 308, f. 8, 13 (Dmf) [].
Euagrus apacheus Gertsch & Mulaik, 1940: 309, f. 7, 12 (Dmf) [].
Evagrus ritaensis Chamberlin & Ivie, 1945a: 555, f. 19-21 (Dmf) [].
Euagrus chisoseus Coyle, 1988: 267, f. 24-26, 39-43, 50, 223-251 (mf, S of Euagrus apacheus, E. ravenus and E. ritaensis).
Euagrus chisoseus Desales-Lara, Jiménez & Corcuera, 2018: 3, f. 1-3 (m).
Euagrus comstocki Gertsch, 1935 | m f | USA     []
Euagrus comstocki Gertsch, 1935a: 3, f. 2, 7-8 (Dmf).
Euagrus comstocki Coyle, 1988: 273, f. 252-259 (mf).
Euagrus formosanus Saito, 1933 | f | Taiwan     []
Euagrus formosanus Saitō, 1933b: 35, pl. 3, f. 1 (Df).
Euagrus formosanus Coyle, 1988: 223 (misplaced in this genus).
Euagrus garnicus Coyle, 1988 | m f | Mexico     []
Euagrus garnicus Coyle, 1988: 257, f. 185-190 (Dmf).
Euagrus gertschi Coyle, 1988 | m f | Mexico     []
Euagrus gertschi Coyle, 1988: 244, f. 114-128 (Dmf).
Euagrus guatemalensis F. O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1897 | m f | Guatemala     []
Euagrus guatemalensis F. O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1897a: 39, pl. 2, f. 7 (Dm).
Euagrus guatemalensis Coyle, 1988: 276, f. 263-269 (mf).
Euagrus gus Coyle, 1988 | m f | Mexico     []
Euagrus gus Coyle, 1988: 248, f. 2, 4, 34, 38, 46, 49, 136-172 (Dmf).
Euagrus gus Estrada-Alvarez, 2014: 56, f. 1-6 (m).
Euagrus josephus Chamberlin, 1924 | m f | Mexico     []
Evagrus josephus Chamberlin, 1924b: 577, f. 2-3 (Dm).
Evagrus empiricus Chamberlin, 1924b: 576 (Df) [].
Evagrus scepticus Chamberlin, 1924b: 578 (Df) [].
Euagrus josephus Coyle, 1988: 227, f. 51-64 (mf, S of Evagrus empiricus and E. scepticus).
Euagrus leones Coyle, 1988 | m f | Mexico     []
Euagrus leones Coyle, 1988: 255, f. 1, 173-184 (Dmf).
Euagrus leones Estrada-Alvarez, Sánchez-Jasso & Medina-Castro, 2016: 35, f. 1-6 (m).
Euagrus luteus Gertsch, 1973 | f | Mexico     []
Euagrus luteus Gertsch, 1973a: 145, f. 3 (Df).
Euagrus luteus Gertsch, 1982a: 84, f. 4 (f).
Euagrus luteus Coyle, 1988: 285, f. 299-300 (f).
Euagrus lynceus Brignoli, 1974 | m f | Mexico, Guatemala     []
Euagrus lynceus Brignoli, 1974f: 196, f. 1A-E (Dmf).
Euagrus lynceus Coyle, 1988: 286, f. 301-320 (mf).
Euagrus mexicanus Ausserer, 1875 * | m f | Mexico     []
Euagrus mexicanus Ausserer, 1875: 160, pl. 5, f. 13-16 (Dmf).
Evagrus mexicanus Simon, 1892a: 186, f. 129 (m).
Euagrus mexicanus F. O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1897a: 39, pl. 2, f. 4 (m).
Euagrus mexicanus Coyle, 1988: 239, f. 5-6, 18, 37, 44, 47, 100-112 (mf).
Euagrus mexicanus Estrada-Alvarez, 2014: 56, f. 7-9 (m).
Euagrus pristinus O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1899 | m f | Mexico     []
Evagrus pristinus O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1899b: 519, pl. 29, f. 1 (Dm).
Euagrus pristinus Coyle, 1988: 278, f. 3, 13-15, 17, 20-21, 23, 27-33, 270-297 (m, Df).
Euagrus pristinus Zárate-Gálvez, García-Villafuerte & Pérez Bonifaz, 2010: 469, f. 1-2 (m).
Euagrus rothi Coyle, 1988 | m f | USA     []
Euagrus rothi Coyle, 1988: 247, f. 129-135 (Dmf).
Euagrus rubrigularis Simon, 1890 | m f | Mexico     []
Evagrus rubrigularis Simon, 1891f: 320 (Df).
Evagrus pragmaticus Chamberlin, 1924b: 576, f. 1 (Dm) [].
Euagrus rubrigularis Coyle, 1988: 232, f. 65-97 (mf, S of Evagrus pragmaticus).
Euagrus troglodyta Gertsch, 1982 | f | Mexico     []
Euagrus troglodyta Gertsch, 1982a: 83, f. 1-3 (Df).
Euagrus troglodyta Coyle, 1988: 259, f. 16, 19, 22, 192-193 (f).
Euagrus zacus Coyle, 1988 | f | Mexico     []
Euagrus zacus Coyle, 1988: 289, f. 321-326 (Df).
Gen. Leptothele Raven & Schwendinger, 1995 [] Detail
type Leptothele bencha Raven & Schwendinger, 1995; gender feminine
N.B.: transferred from the Dipluridae to the Euagridae by Opatova et al., 2020: 697.
Leptothele bencha Raven & Schwendinger, 1995 * | m f | Thailand     []
Leptothele bencha Raven & Schwendinger, 1995: 637, f. 2C, 3E-F, 4E, 5F-G, 9A-K (Dmf).
Leptothele bencha Schwendinger et al., 2020: 428, f. 1E-F, 3A-J, 4A-F (mf).
Leptothele chang Schwendinger, 2020 | m f | Thailand     []
Leptothele chang Schwendinger, in Schwendinger et al., 2020: 431, f. 1G-H,K, 5A-I, 6A-K, 7A-D (Dmf).
Gen. Malayathele Schwendinger, 2020 [] Detail
type Malayathele kanching Schwendinger, 2020; gender feminine
Malayathele cameronensis Schwendinger, 2020 | m f | Malaysia (Peninsula)     []
Malayathele cameronensis Schwendinger, in Schwendinger et al., 2020: 441, f. 10A-E, 11A-K (Dmf).
Malayathele kanching Schwendinger, 2020 * | m f | Malaysia (Peninsula)     []
Malayathele kanching Schwendinger, in Schwendinger et al., 2020: 448, f. 1L, 12E-K, 15A-H, 16A-D (Dmf).
Malayathele maculosa Schwendinger, 2020 | m f | Malaysia (Peninsula)     []
Malayathele maculosa Schwendinger, in Schwendinger et al., 2020: 444, f. 12A-D, 13a-M, 14A-C (Dmf).
Malayathele ulu Schwendinger, 2020 | m f | Malaysia (Peninsula)     []
Malayathele ulu Schwendinger, in Schwendinger et al., 2020: 437, f. 1I-J, 8A-K, 9A-G (Dmf).
Gen. Namirea Raven, 1984 [] Detail
type Namirea planipes Raven, 1984; gender feminine
N.B.: transferred from Dipluridae to Euagridae (Australothelinae) by Opatova et al., 2020: 698.
Namirea dougwallacei Raven, 1993 | m f | Australia (Queensland)     []
Namirea dougwallacei Raven, 1993: 81, f. 2-4 (Dmf).
Namirea eungella Raven, 1984 | f | Australia (Queensland)     []
Namirea eungella Raven, 1984a: 56, f. 190, 194, 212 (Df).
Namirea fallax Raven, 1984 | m | Australia (New South Wales)     []
Namirea fallax Raven, 1984a: 57, f. 184, 195, 198, 201, 205 (Dm).
Namirea insularis Raven, 1984 | m f | Australia (Queensland)     []
Namirea insularis Raven, 1984a: 59, f. 186-187, 192-193, 200, 203-204, 208, 213 (Dmf).
Namirea johnlyonsi Raven, 1993 | m f | Australia (Queensland)     []
Namirea johnlyonsi Raven, 1993: 85, f. 5-6 (Dmf).
Namirea montislewisi Raven, 1984 | f | Australia (Queensland)     []
Namirea montislewisi Raven, 1984a: 61, f. 29, 31, 123, 188, 191, 214 (Df).
Namirea planipes Raven, 1984 * | m f | Australia (Queensland)     []
Namirea planipes Raven, 1984a: 52, f. 5, 11, 28, 108, 185, 189, 196-197, 199, 202, 206-207, 209-211 (Dmf).
Gen. Phyxioschema Simon, 1889 [] Detail
type Phyxioschema raddei Simon, 1889; gender neuter
N.B.: transferred from the Dipluridae to the Euagridae by Opatova et al., 2020: 697; the spelling Phyxioschaema is an unjustified emendation, initiated by Simon, 1892a: 185; considered a senior synonym of Afghanothele Roewer, 1960b: 32 [] (type A. lindbergi Roewer, 1960) by Raven, 1985a: 148.
In synonymy:
Phyxioschema lindbergi (Roewer, 1960) = Phyxioschema raddei Simon, 1889 (Raven & Schwendinger, 1989: 55).
Phyxioschema strandi (Spassky, 1937, T from Ischnothele) = Phyxioschema raddei Simon, 1889 (Charitonov, 1969: 64).
Phyxioschema striatipes (Roewer, 1960) = Phyxioschema raddei Simon, 1889 (Raven & Schwendinger, 1989: 55).
Phyxioschema erawan Schwendinger, 2009 | m f | Thailand     []
Phyxioschema erawan Schwendinger, 2009a: 8, f. 4A-E, 5A-E, 6A-L, 7A-H, 22A (Dmf).
Phyxioschema eripnastes Schwendinger, 2009 | m f | Thailand     []
Phyxioschema eripnastes Schwendinger, 2009a: 23, f. 15A-E, 16A-N, 17A-D (Dmf).
Phyxioschema gedrosia Schwendinger & Zamani, 2018 | m | Iran     []
Phyxioschema gedrosia Schwendinger & Zamani, 2018: 284, f. 1, 2A-G, 3A-O (Dm).
Phyxioschema huberi Schwendinger, 2009 | m f | Thailand     []
Phyxioschema huberi Schwendinger, 2009a: 14, f. 8, 9A-E, 10A-U, 11A-D, 21A, C (Dmf).
Phyxioschema raddei Simon, 1889 * | m f | Kazakhstan, Iran, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan     []
Phyxioschema raddei Simon, 1889l: 385 (Dj).
Phyxioschaema raddei Simon, 1892a: 185.
Ischnothele strandi Spassky, 1937a: 361, f. 1 (Df) [].
Afghanothele lindbergi Roewer, 1960b: 33, f. 7a-b (Df) [].
Afghanothele striatipes Roewer, 1960b: 34 (Df) [].
Phyxioschaema raddei Charitonov, 1969: 64 (S of Ischnothele strandi).
Phyxioschaema raddei Andreeva, 1976: 16, f. 8-9 (Dm).
Phyxioschaema raddei Raven, 1981a: 225, f. 1-7 (mf).
Phyxioschema raddei Raven & Schwendinger, 1989: 55 (S of Afghanothele lindbergi and A. striatipes).
Phyxioschema raddei Schwendinger & Zonstein, 2011: 31, f. 2A-F, 3A-P, 4A-H, 5A-H (mf).
Phyxioschema roxana Schwendinger & Zonstein, 2011 | m f | Uzbekistan, Tajikistan     []
Phyxioschema roxana Schwendinger & Zonstein, 2011: 38, f. 6A-F, 7A-N, 8A-F (Dmf).
Phyxioschema sayamense Schwendinger, 2009 | m f | Thailand     []
Phyxioschema sayamense Schwendinger, 2009a: 19, f. 12A-E, 13A-L, 14A-D (Dmf).
Phyxioschema spelaeum Schwendinger, 2009 | m f | Thailand     []
Phyxioschema spelaeum Schwendinger, 2009a: 28, f. 18A-E, 19A-N, 20A-D, 21B, D, 22D, G-I (Dmf).
Phyxioschema suthepium Raven & Schwendinger, 1989 | m f | Thailand     []
Phyxioschema suthepia Raven & Schwendinger, 1989: 56, f. 1-10 (Dmf).
Phyxioschema suthepium Raven & Schwendinger, 1995: 639, f. 11A-F (m).
Phyxioschema suthepium Schwendinger, 2009a: 5, f. 2A-D, 3A-L (mf).
Gen. Stenygrocercus Simon, 1892 [] Detail
type Macrothele silvicola Simon, 1889; gender masculine
N.B.: transferred from Dipluridae to Euagridae (Australothelinae) by Opatova et al., 2020: 698; removed from the synonymy of Cethegus Thorell, 1881 by Raven, 1981a: 228, contra Main, 1960: 30.
Transferred to other genera:
Stenygrocercus annulatus Raven, 1981 -- see Caledothele
Stenygrocercus australiensis Raven, 1984 -- see Caledothele
Stenygrocercus broomi Hogg, 1901 -- see Cethegus
Stenygrocercus alphoreus Raven, 1991 | f | New Caledonia     []
Stenygrocercus alphoreus Raven, 1991: 92, f. 27-28, 35 (Df).
Stenygrocercus franzi Raven, 1991 | m f | New Caledonia     []
Stenygrocercus franzi Raven, 1991: 93, f. 10-14, 34 (Dmf).
Stenygrocercus kresta Raven, 1991 | f | New Caledonia     []
Stenygrocercus kresta Raven, 1991: 96, f. 30-31, 38 (Df).
Stenygrocercus recineus Raven, 1991 | f | New Caledonia     []
Stenygrocercus recineus Raven, 1991: 98, f. 29, 36 (Df).
Stenygrocercus silvicola (Simon, 1889) * | f | New Caledonia     []
Macrothele silvicola Simon, 1889c: 245 (Df).
Stenygrocercus silvicola Simon, 1892a: 185.
Stenygrocercus silvicola Raven, 1981a: 228, f. 8-11 (f).
Stenygrocercus silvicola Raven, 1991: 90, f. 37 (f).
Stenygrocercus simoni Raven, 1991 | m f | New Caledonia     []
Stenygrocercus simoni Raven, 1991: 100, f. 2-9, 15-26, 39 (Dmf).
Gen. Vilchura Ríos-Tamayo & Goloboff, 2017 [] Detail
type Vilchura calderoni Ríos-Tamayo & Goloboff, 2017; gender feminine
N.B.: transferred from Dipluridae to Euagridae by Opatova et al., 2020: 697.
Vilchura calderoni Ríos-Tamayo & Goloboff, 2017 * | m f | Chile     []
Vilchura calderoni Ríos-Tamayo & Goloboff, 2017: 184, f. 1, 2A-E, 3A-E (Dmf).